Economy Some Economy Suggestions

Discussion in 'Server Gameplay Suggestions' started by zestym3m3s, Feb 1, 2024.

  1. zestym3m3s

    zestym3m3s Member

    Sep 25, 2023
    This is a bit long, a TLDR will be included at the end for those who don't like to read. I hope that we can keep the discussion productive and constructive. If you disagree with an idea, try to provide reasons why you think it wouldn't be better than the current system or why it would be too difficult to implement so we can discuss them.

    To staff, I would be happy to work with you on this if you'd let me. I have experience with plugins and general server management, plus I can help bring some outside ideas to the table with actually implementing things if people seem to support these suggestions.

    Also, this entire document should be subject to change if someone brings a good argument for or against an idea too. I won't feel bad if someone criticizes something that has every right to be criticized, so long as there are reasonable arguments against it.


    As someone who has spent 77 of the last 157 days online on the Skyblock economy server, I have a few complaints – and more importantly, some suggestions.

    I would like to preface this document by saying that I believe Skyblock staff are not responsible for these problems, and that I know very well the challenges that come in managing an economy server. Balancing an economy is not easy, and changes are very difficult and risky to make. I want to tread lightly while offering a path forward

    The major goals that I will try to achieve in these suggestions will be to make the server,

    1. Less laggy,
    2. Easier for new players to get started,
    3. More fun for highly invested legacy players.
    4. Simple and fair so that the transition process is less scary for everyone.

    Before I get into the suggestions, I want to explain why I’m so invested in updating the economy and why I think these ideas should be considered from the perspective of both a legacy player and a new player.

    In 2019, I joined an economy factions server and quickly fell in love with the economy grind. This server had a shop system similar to Skyblock’s, but it allowed players to earn money by selling weird and niche items like honeycomb. I quickly lagged the server by making an excessively large bee farm and crashed the economy by selling $150,000,000 worth of honeycomb. While I had a great time breaking the eco and building the crazy farm, I realized that I was doing something unsustainable and unfair for the people who worked hard for the money they earned.

    In 2020-2021 I decided to start a fantasy factions/economy server called Zestcraft as a COVID project. I spent each day experimenting, improving, designing, and moderating on that server. I loved every minute of it. I had full control over the economy, but I was naïve and I didn’t realize that in making my economy interesting, I accidentally overcomplicated it and made it too confusing for new players to understand. As lockdown ended and school picked up again I was forced to shut down the server since I didn’t have a big enough team to handle the responsibilities. I learned a lot from that year, and I want to reapply what I’ve learned to help bring about important changes to the economy server.

    About six months ago I picked up Minecraft again, and decided that Skyblock sounded like an interesting challenge. I joined this server and immediately set out to break the economy and become the richest nerd on here. Now I’m a top earner, but I’m deeply dissatisfied.

    It turns out that all there is to do here is AFK.

    I didn’t even bother making a cropper farm at first, I just sold mossy cobblestone to invest in the cropper farms I have now. The whole time I was selling mossy cobblestone I knew this wasn’t sustainable and it would get nerfed eventually, but when I searched the shop for better things to farm I was disappointed to find that there’s hardly anything worth the effort. Even worse, anything that I put the effort into would probably be nerfed as well or would end up being laggy at scale. The realization that there is no road that doesn’t lead to croppers being the only source of income in the coming months is depressing.

    I think about being a new player a lot since it wasn’t too long ago for me. I remember asking;

    “whats the best way to make money?”

    and everyone replied;

    “scane cropper farm”

    I tell new players that too, and I feel bad because I know that even though I’m giving away infinite stacks of sugarcane and moss for free, its not like the people making these cropper farms are going to see a return on their investment in any reasonable amount of time. They’re working so hard to build excessively large boring farms for barely any money. Who can blame them for wanting to find a different server?

    What's the problem?
    This question is a bit heavy and multifaceted, so I want to spend time explaining what I believe to be the most important problems that are present in the current system before trying to propose any solutions.

    1. Barrier to Entry
    People can argue that selling to players makes good money, but that is only true when they have things worth selling. Mapart, rare drops from loot crates, niche items. All of these have barriers to entry. Mapart requires a mapart island which can be challenging to get and are more available to established players or older players who know how to find them. Rare drops require keys which are hard to collect if you don't know how to do quests or aren't willing to waste your time doing them. Selling niche items require the player to know enough about game mechanics or player demand to make good money. The best thing for new players right now is to vote and sell their keys on auctionhouse, but that only goes so far and is pretty boring.

    Overall, for a new player to get established, they either need very good luck, handouts, or extensive knowledge about the game and its mechanics and how to find exploits. These are naturally barriers to entry for most new players, and it feels as if the server could do more to encourage a path for players to earn good money and have fun earning it.

    Any suggestions should try to lower the barrier to entry for new players to make money in fun and worthwhile ways.

    2. AFK ECO
    This is probably the most controversial problem on economy. I’ll make the argument that AFK eco is inherently bad and boring, and that Skyblock economy should attempt to limit AFKing while encouraging activity and creativity.

    First issue with AFKing is simply the number of loaded islands. TPS is highly dependent on the number of players loading chunks, so AFK alt accounts are drawing resources from the server simply by existing. Why do people AFK alt accounts? Because you can make twice as much from it! The server is encouraging AFKing as the main source of income for legacy players, which is naturally lagging the server as playercount rises. At any given time, it seems like we have at least 20 out of 70 accounts that are just taking up resources despite simply standing in the middle of a cropper farm.

    Second issue with AFK eco is that its inherently boring. Players are encouraged to do nothing but stand still and load chunks to make more money instead of going out and actively doing profitable things or interacting with each other. While many players are still active in other ways, this activity all seems to be in the pursuit of a larger cropper farm. Not only this, the act of building the cropper farms are genuinely the most soul suckingly boring hours I’ve ever spent in this game.

    Third issue with AFK eco is that to make the farms that are AFKed you need to know unintuitive tricks like melkin crop layout, have excessive amounts of money to afford dirt, purchase fly to make the experience anything less than terrible, and install mods like litematica and printer to prevent going insane from the repetition. These are all roadblocks to making passive income that are totally unnecessary and are adding nothing to the player experience that couldn’t be provided in an active economy.

    Any suggestions made will attempt to limit the amount of AFKing on the server without negatively impacting the people who have made big investments into croppers. These suggestions will also encourage an active eco to prevent the monotony of AFK eco.

    3. Not Enough Ways to Make Money
    As I’ve hinted before, there aren’t enough ways to make money on the server. Most of the ways to make money are reserved for players who have invested considerable time and electricity, or who have gotten plain lucky. There needs to be a reliable way to make money that isn’t related to player-to-player shops or AFKing a cropper. There needs to be some diversity in income, otherwise gameplay gets stale and new players are not encouraged to invest their time.

    Suggestions should try to incorporate a “make it your way” path to making money. That means that a player should be able to have fun making money in diverse ways without being funneled into a meta. This comes with its own challenges, but is far preferable to a system that lacks room for freedom and exploration.

    To summarize my feelings about economy design in a single sentence:

    Economy isn’t about having money, it’s about MAKING the money.

    If you aren’t rewarded for doing hard things, you’re not going to have any fun. If the only hard thing to do is AFK, you’re also not going to have much fun. We need to encourage people to be creative and to challenge themselves to do the hard things. We can’t funnel people into doing one difficult, complicated, boring thing and expect them to want to stay. We need to make eco more fun!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
  2. zestym3m3s

    zestym3m3s Member

    Sep 25, 2023
    Passive Economy – Making Croppers Worth It
    The current cropper system has some drawbacks.

    1. Taxes are Unnecessary (as they are right now)
    I personally feel angry seeing the money I could’ve made next to the money that has been taken from me every 20 minutes. This money goes nowhere, and it is punishing me for putting in the work to make a big AFKable cropper farm.

    If taxes were put towards the raffle or something I think I would be fine with it, but because it literally vanishes into the ether I think its silly and could be done differently.

    Taxes seemed to be geared towards helping new players make more money from less farm which I fully support, but this can be achieved in simpler and less frustrating ways.

    In my suggestion I will incorporate taxes in a more intuitive and less frustrating way.

    2. Payouts and Taxes Are Laggy
    Every tax season TPS takes a hit as the plugin attempts to calculate how much money it should steal from each cropper owner. This is a side effect of paying out every 20 minutes directly to players balances.

    Instead of paying the owner every minute that the cropper chunks were loaded, what if the “cropper” paid out a daily sum regardless of AFK time? Then the lag from calculating tax, and the lag from paying out players, and the lag from intercepting information from a farm and doing math to it, could be completely avoided.

    In my suggestion I will incorporate a less laggy method for rewarding players who invest in a cropper.

    3. Loading Chunks is Inherently Laggy and Boring
    Players are expected to load 7x7 or 49 chunks to extract the most out of a cropper farm. That means that they are not only expected to place a gigantic farm, but also keep it perpetually loaded for over a month before it breaks even. I think investing money to make more money is totally reasonable but not if you’re forced to be a slave to those 49 chunks for every hour of the day for more than a month. That seems like a waste of people’s time, but unfortunately, it’s the only choice people have to make consistently good money without exploiting shop.

    In my suggestion I will attempt to do away with chunk-loading based croppers while still paying out the same money regardless of afk hours. My thinking is that because you’ve already invested your money and your attention to playing consistently, the reward for your activity and money should be larger payouts without requiring AFKing.
  3. zestym3m3s

    zestym3m3s Member

    Sep 25, 2023
    Cropper Suggestions
    This section will be a dedicated outline to a new method for handling passive earning through something I’ll call Passive Payout. Passive Payout will attempt to fix the problems with croppers that were mentioned previously without being too complicated to explain to a new player. I will follow up with a method for transitioning from croppers to payouts.

    When considering a replacement for croppers, I wanted to set a few ground rules to avoid dramatically altering the economy that currently exists. Ideally, payouts will pay players for investing in passive income but without requiring them to AFK, and without taxing them.

    Rule 1: Payouts Should Be Daily
    I believe that this rule is important to the value of money on the server. It’s likely that many people will just upgrade their Payout to make more money and won’t bother with any active eco. Just like investing in real life, spending money to make consistent money should be a viable option, but it should be a slow process to encourage people to try to do other things to make money.

    Currently, a 7x7 melkin cropper maxes out around $1,500,000/day, and wheat should make a fraction more, let’s say $2,000,000/day, but isn’t practically worth it for how much it costs. I think it’s good to have an option for people who’ve dedicated themselves for a year to make 2.5M/day, because only couple of people will be able to save this much. This seems like a logical place for the Payout to max out at, with 1.5M being the more reasonable max that most consistently active players can achieve in 6 months if they dedicate themselves to it, and 2.5M being for people who are consistently active and saving for more than a year, which is a truly incredible achievement. This seems like a great option for those of us who’ve put in the effort to get a wheat farm already, since I’ve stated earlier that the transition should not be scary for legacy players.

    The player can collect their payout every day, but they can only collect it once per day. To make this easier, lets say payouts are replenished every 7:00AM EST to coincide with the server restart.

    Rule 2: Payouts Should Not Require You To Load Chunks
    In an effort to reduce lag and make it easier for new players to get started, I think there needs to be a change in how paying players passively works. We should not need to load chunks. The current system seems like its leading to a lot of unnecessary lag from alt islands and constantly active cropper islands. Let’s just do away with it and replace it with something that isn’t tied to Minecraft ticks or mechanics.

    Rule 3: Instead of Taxing, Change The Investment To Earning Ratio
    Taxes are the current method that the server uses to increase profits for new players while preventing old players from infinitely scaling their farms to make more money. I believe this is good in theory, but players hate to see their money get removed from their account every tax season, and it feels like a punishment for putting in the effort to build a larger farm. Instead, you should silently “tax” the player by altering the ratio of money they invest vs the money they earn.

    Rule 4: Payouts Should Be Accessible Via Command and GUI
    The payouts should be easily accessible via command as well as via command GUI. The GUI should help new players understand how the payout system works, such as the refresh time and how much money the next upgrade costs. Think of it like /daily, where a player can get their payout each day, but must wait to collect it again.


    Above is an example of how much each Payout Level costs (Invested), how much each Payout would return per day (Daily Return), and a running total of how much money must be invested to reach each Level (Total Investment). The Total Investment : Return Ratio shows that as you invest early, you make your money back quickly, which incentivizes new players to want to come back to collect their money and make more. If they’re smart they can probably get to level 2 in the first day, and level 3 in 4 days. After a week or so, they hit middle game where the ratio goes from single to double digits. After a couple months, they get into late game around Levels 9-12. The more they upgrade, the bigger the gap between their investment and returns get. This acts like an invisible tax, with higher levels making less per dollar they invest.


    In Table 2, we see that to reach 1.5M/day it would take 5 months of constant reinvesting, to reach 2M/day it would take 7 months of constant reinvesting, and finally to reach 2.5M/day it would take 10.5 months of constant reinvesting. I wanted to incorporate some leeway since not everyone can play each day. This gives players something to work towards, and is far easier to understand than the current cropper setup. This information can be clearly displayed at a warp as well to help new players understand.

    The thought process is that in Week 1, a player should be making a small amount of $, but enough to try to build a base and maybe make a stone gen or something. By Week 4 they should be around Level 6 making a pretty good passive income, so they can start buying rare collectibles or something if they’re interested, but the smart ones are expected to want to reinvest it while they pursue active eco for spending money. After a year of reinvesting, the players who stayed dedicated will be rewarded with 2.5M/day, which can help them reach /baltop faster than those who spent their money on other things or weren’t as consistent with reinvesting.

    I tried to make each upgrade in the first month only take a few days to get to, since new players will have less investment in the server and will want to see fast growth early to get them hooked on the grind. After the first month, it starts taking weeks to upgrade more and more. This is intended to artificially place most active players in the 150-600k/day range since only a handful will have the willpower and drive to save up to make 1.5M/day. 150-600k/day is plenty for most active players, so this is where the eco is likely to sit at. If it was easy for everyone to make 1.5-2.5M/day we would run into inflation problems, so its best to keep these restricted to the most dedicated players.

    How to Transition from Croppers to Payouts:
    Open a forums page for people to request cropper farms transfers. This would be a manual process for staff, but there are only so many active players on economy so the amount of people that would request is relatively small. People would request converting their cropper farm to an equivalent value payout level. Staff would visit the island their farm is located at, use worldedit to //count dirt, multiply that number by 800 to get the equivalent value, promote them to a pseudo permission tier of the equivalent level (essentially keeps the $ out of their hands and puts it right back into the passive eco so we don't have crazy inflation). Pay the player the difference in $ if they didn't have exactly the value of the payout level.

    It would probably take 3 mins per player, and staff should be able to do this at any time with or without the player being online.

    (If you have a disagreement with anything above please try to make a suggestion instead of just sharing that you don't like it. If you outright hate the idea that's fine too!)
  4. zestym3m3s

    zestym3m3s Member

    Sep 25, 2023
    Active Economy Suggestions
    Active economy acts to balance passive economy. Instead of taking the easy route of reinvesting every dollar you make, you can actively hunt for more money through some server sponsored means.

    Currently, the only active economy we have is flipping on auctionhouse, selling keys as a new player, and selling niche items. This is practically what the real world economy is like, but the real world economy isn’t very fun for people who don’t know every little trick. These suggestions will provide new and old players with fun ways to earn more money, without being exploitable, scalable, or AFKable.

    Quest Revamp:
    Quests are a great addition to economy. Many old players still actively participate in quests. This is mostly to get Legendary keys, which sell for 2M. However, I think they could updated to become a really interesting way for new and old players to make money on the server.

    The issue with quests is that they pay very little and are often really boring to complete. For example, a quest that is currently available asks me to craft 20 cakes for 1 quest point and $2,000. I don’t need to explore or do anything exciting, I just need to craft an unnecessary amount of cakes. Not only is this quest very easy, it’s also very boring, and doesn’t really give me a meaningful reward, especially as a wealthier player. Even when you account for the quest points value towards a Legendary key, its $16,000 dollars, which isn’t bad – but you need to do 20 days worth of quests before it actually turns a profit. So lets discuss a new way to handle quests that offers new and old players a bit more of an incentive.

    1. Increase the Incentives
    I think everyone would be happy to do quests if they gave you good amounts of money. How do you account for that? Well you can tie the quest reward money to the player’s Payout Level. If you have a higher payout level, you’ll make more from your quests. I think it makes sense for the $ reward to be some fraction of your Payout reward. For example, if you’re Level 0 or Level 1, you can make 2.5k per quest you do; but if you’re Level 10 you’d make 200k per quest you do. Of course, the fractions can change, but I think it makes sense for wealthy players to be encouraged to do quests just as much as new players.

    2. Change Quest Point Shop Selection
    I think that quest points are a really cool concept. They allow people to save up their effort to buy special items that are traditionally difficult to come by. That being said, I think that there should be more things to buy with quest points, and also I believe that quest points are currently a bit overvalued. Each day you can make 6, so it’s a bit weird that you can only buy 3 grass blocks a day, when you could just exchange 6 quest points for 6000 to get 7 dirt blocks or 5 grass blocks.

    Instead, I think that you can make quest points more exciting by allowing players to save up for specific loot crate rewards. If a Legendary Key costs 120 quest points, that’s 20 days of doing all of the quests. First, I believe it should be reduced to something like 72 quest points for 12 days of activity since it’s hard to ask players to save MORE than 12 days to buy loot crate items directly. Second, I think that many loot crate items should be available to buy with quest points, but that items the server sees as exceptionally valuable like tridents, elytra, wither rose, dragon eggs, mob heads, pets, conduits, otherside, budding amethyst, and banner patterns should be some amount more expensive than the key. This way players can save up for something they really care about and be rewarded for that effort without necessarily having to gamble. (This is a bit controversial but I think something should change)

    I think that keys should also cost much less in the quest shop, with Voter being 2 points, Common being 6 points, Rare being 18 points, Epic being 48 points, and Legendary being 72 points. This matches their true value, since the current system expects you to spend 7 days grinding for a rare key, only to have a 18% chance of getting anything not worthless. The hard part should be getting the key, not getting something good. Having more notifications in chat about the crates should also spur people to vote more, which is always a win.

    All of the animal spawners should be available as well. Spawners are currently overvalued and underpurchased because of how rare they are. You’d expect a spawner to be a great find in a crate! Unfortunately, you only make 85% more profit from a cow spawner than a pig spawner, and with how fast they spawn you’d expect the cow spawner to be worth maybe a bit more than 1.85x the value of a pig spawner which is currently 150k on auctionhouse, so maybe like 350k right?

    They cost 2-2.5M…

    This is crazy! Why would they be worth so much??? The answer comes down to how you get cow spawners. Currently, the only way is to get one from the Rare, Epic, and Legendary crates. If you account for their Rare crate’s rarity (0.76%) and the going price of Rare keys on auctionhouse (160k/per), the price should be more like $21M. It’s a real puzzler why we sell them for the low low price of 2M.

    My point is, if there’s no other ways to get a cow spawner for a reasonable price, why not make them purchasable in the quest point shop along with all of the other passive mob spawners. I think a pig spawner should be 12 points, a cow spawner should be 18 quest points, chicken spawner should be 24 quest points, a sheep spawner should be 24 quest points, and mooshroom and horse spawners should be both 36 quest points. This way they’re all achievable, and are more in line with how much people actually care about them. This would also mean more people would actively trying to complete quests each day to try to complete their spawner farms, or to get keys to sell in auctionhouse.

    Here is a concept for an updated quest point shop. Some people say that it should include fewer options, which I think is fair. After all, I think half of the fun of loot crates is the luck aspect. It might be nice to have 1/2 of the rare items only be available as drops from the crates.

    Update Loot Crates:
    As many of us know, loot crates can be frustrating. You save up 2M to buy a legendary key, and you win $10,000. Some people would argue that’s fine because it gives the other items inside more value. I would argue that crappy prizes should only really exist in voter crates and common crates because of how low stakes and ubiquitous they are, but as you climb to higher and higher value crates, you shouldn’t be getting trash loot. The effort to get the key should be rewarded with some rare loot that is either collectible or useful, or some substantial amount of money as if to say “better luck next time”. I shouldn’t work for a rare crate and get cobblestone or iron. The people who are using those crates are not the ones who need that stuff, and it only serves to disappoint dedicated players who want to see their effort get rewarded.

    Above, I provided my suggestions for the quest point shop. As the crates are right now, the keys are inflated in value because of the quest point system, and the items within the crates are diluted by lots of junk loot. This is a problem because the keys themselves are rarely ever worth the loot within, and at this stage the only players who buy those keys are the most dedicated players who have disposable spending meaning most players aren’t encouraged to participate in loot crates and instead opt to sell them to the players who are too rich to care about the risk.

    I don’t think that the % values need to be changed much for the rare loot, although making them round numbers might be nice. It seems like the amount in circulation is just fine as is, and you don’t want to devalue the items that players legacy players covet; but I do think that the junk loot should be consolidated into more $ to account for inflation and the value of the keys, or into higher probabilities for better keys.

    On my server, I had a similar system for loot crates. I had voter crates, uncommon crates, rare crates, and legendary crates. Each crate had only useful things in it, no junk. People loved it and I had a surprising number of daily voters simply because of the loot table without running into trouble with inflation or abuse. I think that if the server changes the common, rare, epic, and legendary crates to buff the “bad” loot and combine the bad loot into 2 or 3 tiers of “bad”, people would be more likely to complete quests for the keys.

    OK, THATS IT FOR NOW! Let me know what you guys think. If you read all that thank you so much! I'll try to take people's criticism and suggestions into account when I add to it.
  5. zestym3m3s

    zestym3m3s Member

    Sep 25, 2023

    General Problems:
    1. The current system encourages boring gameplay
    2. The current barriers to entry for the economy are too high.
    3. There aren't enough ways to make money

    Problems with Croppers:
    1. Taxes are Unnecessary
    2. Taxes and Payouts are Laggy
    3. AFKing chunks with alternate accounts is lagging the server
    4. The difficulty in building a good cropper farm and making any good money is pushing potentially active new players away.

    Suggestions for Croppers (Passive Economy):
    1. Introduce a command based GUI system called Payouts (or some other name) to remove the physical issues that Croppers have (loading chunks, building physical farms with mods, fly, knowledge)
    2. Payouts will payout daily on the server restart but only if you type the command that day (kind of like /daily). You cannot collect the payout for days you miss.
    3. Payouts should mimic the current Cropper system (income, investment $, time) to avoid upsetting the most active legacy members. Essentially a no-lose situation for transitioning.
    4. Taxes should be built in to the cost/payout ratio of each Payout Level.
    5. You can connect Payout Level permissions to other rewards to encourage older players to participate more in quests, /shop, and more.

    Suggestions for Active Economy (Quests Specifically):
    1. Add more quests
    2. Edit the existing quests to not be so tedious.
    3. Link Quest reward money to Payout Level to incentivize rich legacy players to participate in quests.
    4. Update the Quest reward shop to:

    i. Lower crate key prices to more reasonable timeframes. This will lower key prices, but will make players more interested in actually using the keys to add rares to the economy instead of just trying to flip them.
    ii. Include items from loot crates for a high price in the quest shop.
    iii. Include all existing mob spawners for lower prices to make spawner grinders viable and make it possible for new players to work for them.
    5. Update Loot Crates to:
    i. No longer give "Trash Loot" that only help new players. Specifically for Rare, Epic, and Legendary crates.
    ii. Combine the "Trash loot" in each crate into 3 tiers of $. Low, Medium, and High. Even if you get $ you'll still get a fraction of the key's value back instead of 10,000 for a $2M legendary key.
    iii. Potentially increase the % chance of getting a higher level key for rare and above crates to make it feel like you have a chance.
    iv. Adjust the %'s in each crate to be rounded numbers (Optional lol)
    I hope this is a good overview of the ideas in this post!

    • Agree Agree x 3
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
  6. Space

    Space Active Member

    Aug 16, 2021
    only read the tldr and that all sounds good to me. like i've said before, farms on islands right now are boringgg. so many melon/pumpkin. some diversity would be nice. it's just not worth it to have diverse farms right now though. dynamic pricing is a good idea but actually implement it properly.
  7. zestym3m3s

    zestym3m3s Member

    Sep 25, 2023
    The whole dynamic pricing thing is kinda unrelated to this, but I think it deserves its own post too. It doesn't really do the server any favors, and with everything selling for pennies it unintentionally encourages people to scale up their laggy collection farms to make more and more $. If the prices in the eco were increased significantly but there was a cap on how much you could sell every <amount of time>, you would encourage people to make different farms without encouraging them to run them 24/7. This can sometimes lead to issues with people hoarding all of the items they need or selling the items to others for a profit after they've sold to their cap. This might not be a totally bad thing bc it would drive player-player selling, but you need to really think ahead with how you implement it for sure otherwise you might add a lot of inflation unexpectedly.

    Also shop is weird since right now the scale of selling is really what determines how much you make, not the items being sold. A greenie can become rich with a little creativity, but what is the theoretical max that they could make under a sell cap system? Will it be fair for the effort it takes to make the farms? Would they make significantly more selling the items they harvest to other people? How can you limit the influx of $ into the economy if someone decided to make every farm and sell every item for a small profit to everyone and all the players made crazy good money too as a result. Again, maybe this would be a good thing?

    This is the major reason I didn't include a shop update in this post. There's a ton of moving pieces that it's very hard to make a draft for without more collaboration.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Space

    Space Active Member

    Aug 16, 2021
    oh my bad. i'm just saying dynamic pricing could help some of the problems you talked about. maybe lol.
  9. zestym3m3s

    zestym3m3s Member

    Sep 25, 2023
    I think a different shop system should definitely be drafted out eventually. I personally disagree with dynamic pricing because it sounds overcomplicated and unfun but I do agree that something should change because selling more things to /shop would be a fun improvement to active economy. I haven't really came up with any ideas though. In the next few months I'll probably make a suggestion for it.
  10. xphstos37

    xphstos37 Experienced Member

    Jun 4, 2016
    You have some excellent ideas, zesty, that was amazing to read and think about.
  11. KhalDrogo

    KhalDrogo Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2015
    A lot of good thoughts, but too many suggestions in one post makes it difficult to actually get to the point where anything is either accepted or rejected.
    I'll discuss briefly on some of the points as I find time.

    Profit shops used to help with this a great deal. I've put a number of profit shops in but they but will never return in the way they were unless cropper function changes, if croppers could check for attached chests and fill them then we could bring back profit shops to help the new players. Perhaps a new "Storage Cropper" with a limit of 5 per player.

    AFK is always going to be here I feel. There is no point to allowing more than one account unless we are AFK on the extras. People have paid for ranks on those accounts that they wouldn't have otherwise.
    I wouldn't say it is boring, as you're AFK. We don't watch our monitors while we stand there.

    There are lots of ways to make money. I have a number of revenue streams other than croppers but the passive income of croppers is always going to be the big one. This is very much limited to the 4 crops that they collect. I consider pumpkins and melons to be the same thing really.

    I don't think taxes should be put into any gambling mechanic.
    There have been other tax structures recommended that are better than the current one. Ones that help the newer players more.

    Taxes are only applied to cropper income, so they could achieve the same thing by having a reduced sale price on crops sold by croppers.

    Yep, we are all conscious of moving away from our farms, particularly, the single central chunk.
    I don't see how this can be dealt with. If we didn't need to load the farms then less people would do it, but then the server would have to calculate the income of every single player that ever placed a cropper, not just the loaded croppers. That server effort would just grow and grow.

    Players with many accounts could have many farms bringing in revenue without the need to be on line which means, one player could be gaining income from many more farms. Having croppers needing to be loaded does place a large limitation on players income.

    On the topic of quest rewards, that would require more thinking. Keys should definitely not be that cheap. People in the past have paid a great deal to buy keys from the shop and their winnings from that would be greatly diminished if keys were so easy to obtain now.
    Some other items are way out of place. For example:
    Tridents have no great use.
    Mooshroom spawners are great earners. They currently sell for 10 million each, which is probably too much because they would need to AFK'd 24/7 for about half a year to recoup that 10 million. if it took 6 days to get a mooshroom spawner, then within a couple months, they would be the only spawner in use on the server.
    In fact, I don't think any of the expensive/rare items from epic of leg crates should be obtained by any other method.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2024
  12. ace_

    ace_ Active Member

    Nov 15, 2023
    i like this! i think some of drogo's additions could come in handy, and legendary keys could be around 5m to reflect the price on /buy.
  13. KhalDrogo

    KhalDrogo Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2015
    Legendary keys are not worth 5 million.
    I feel their price in game and on the webstore should reflect the value and chance of the items in the crates.
    It doesn’t make much sense that leg keys for Economy cost the same as Skyblock.

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