1.2.0 has been released. WARNING: This update will reset your config. If your settings are important to you, please make a backup before installing. Download here: Release sbutils 1.2.0 for MC 1.20.4 · hashalite/sbutils · GitHub 1.2.0 Changelog Lots of internal changes aimed at making future additions easier New default colors and message prefix All color options now support hex colors Fixed changing a value in the Auto Command list forcing you to save, even if you have changed the value back Updated to YACL 3.3.2 (fixes save button not working sometimes) Auto Command list no longer shows "sbutils" prefix before each list item Removed grass check delay from auto raffle Alphabetized features in GUI Auto Private no longer requires you to sneak when placing private signs Added Inv Cleaner feature (/invclean or /ic) - Automatically moves configured items into /disposal when triggered Added Inventory Cleaner option to Auto Crate (cleans specified items from your inventory when it becomes full) Added Book Cleaner option to Auto Silk (cleans books without Silk Touch from your inventory when it becomes full) /automine timer now supports days (ex. 2d) Most list settings are now un-numbered, without an insert command Most list settings now use the item name rather than index when removing a value Added '/advert whitelist enabled <true/false>' command Auto Command no longer accepts a delay when adding a command. It should now be set afterwards with /acmd commands set delay (or configured in the GUI). Auto Crate will now try to swap to a key in your hotbar before moving the key to your hand Join commands are no longer stored in a txt file, and can now be edited through the GUI /enchantall and /unenchantall have been changed to /enchall and /unenchall to avoid conflicting with the server-side command Added TPS sync setting to Enchant All - Attempts to sync delays to server tickrate to avoid spam kicks Added Book Priority and Books Only settings to Auto Silk Renamed Event Notifier to Notifier and changed commands from /eventnotifier -> /notifier and /enotify -> /notif Added Show Trader Items setting to Notifier - Displays the items the wandering trader has for sale making use of the Skyblock API Added Play Shop Sound and Play Visit Sound options to Notifier
1.2.1 has been released. Download here: Release sbutils 1.2.1 for MC 1.20.4 · hashalite/sbutils · GitHub 1.2.1 Changelog: Added "Show Trades on Click" option to Notifier - Shows wandering trader items when the alert message is clicked Added "/notif trader checkItems" command - Shows current wandering trader items Auto Kit now supports economy and classic Added Custom Filters option to Chat Filters - Allows filtering custom regex patterns Server Detection now supports all server addresses and no longer relies on regex matching the hostname (fixes autoadvert/autokit when connecting from play.skyblock.net or other subdomains) Fixed broken feedback messages when running /advert <add/del/insert/toggle> If Silk Touch is available at multiple levels, Auto Silk now chooses the lowest level enchantment Fixed Auto Fix getting stuck if you don't have access to /fix. It now disables and prints a helpful error message Fixed Auto Fix mode All not doing anything (requires donor400 rank) Fixed Auto Fix not swapping back to original slot/moving item back
1.2.2 has been released. Download here: Release sbutils 1.2.2 for MC 1.20.4 · hashalite/sbutils · GitHub 1.2.2 Changelog: Added central command-sending system that enforces timeouts if a response is required and not received. This fixes features like EnchantAll, AutoFix, and InvCleaner getting stuck when their commands don't return an expected response. Added Map Saver - Saves maps to a png file (run /savemap or /smap while holding or looking at a map) Fixed Inv Cleaner getting stuck if an invalid item is entered in the list Added "Daily" as a kit option for Skyblock and Economy in Auto Kit Fixed Auto Fix repeatedly trying the command if set to ALL mode without access to /fix all Fixed Auto Fix sending the command early when calculating reset time from the message
1.2.3 has been released. Download here: Release sbutils 1.2.3 for MC 1.20.4 · hashalite/sbutils · GitHub 1.2.3 Changelog: StaffDetector now makes use of the staff api (fetched at launch) Fixed AutoKit incorrectly detecting command response, potentially leading to the command being repeated Updated YACL to 3.5.0 (enum options can now be cycled backwards by right-clicking) Accounted for rare server-side bug when claiming /daily with AutoKit Advert delay is now customizable per-server (default delay for economy is now 10min)
1.3.0 has been released. Download here: Release sbutils v1.3.0 · hashalite/sbutils · GitHub 1.3.0 Changelog: Added support for 1.19.2, 1.19.4, 1.20.6, 1.21.4 Updated vote message filters (Fixes #3) Added 'Filter Island Welcomes' and 'Filter Island Titles' options to ChatFilters (#2) Custom chat filters can now be applied to titles Fixed NoGMT in /mail inbox Fixed multivalue option formatting when used as a placeholder Fixed integer options using slider controller when no constraints are provided
1.3.1 has been released. This is a small release to address a critical bug with Anti Place introduced in the 1.20.6 and 1.21.4 versions. Download here: Release sbutils v1.3.1 · hashalite/sbutils · GitHub 1.3.1 Changelog: Fix AntiPlace when shift-clicking on interactable block (1.20.6-1.21.4) Added 'Status HUD' option to Auto Reply (displays a message above hotbar while Auto Reply is active)
1.3.2 has been released. Download here: Release sbutils v1.3.2 · hashalite/sbutils · GitHub 1.3.2 Changelog: Added "Player Cooldown" setting to Auto Reply (delay before the same player can be replied to again - additional messages received from the player during the cooldown are ignored) Adjust private message regex to include cross-server message format (fixes Auto Reply, Mentions, and message logging for cross-server messages) Added /selling and /buying command aliases (#4) Add a per-slot cooldown to Inv Cleaner (Fixes #1)