Punished Discord name & tag (e.g Name#0000): queenxalex Punished Discord ID: idk im sorry Punishment message: perm ban Have you read the Discord rules? yes Do you think this punishment was incorrect? no Why should you be unbanned/unmuted? because my ban was early 2021 and i feel i have changed a lot since then. i was a very immature child and said a lot of regretful things. I am not good with words but I would love to be able to voice chat and participate in the server once more Please list any other times you were punished on the Skyblock Discord: im not sure sorry If you know, tag the staff member that punished you: i think Frez or Krissy Do you understand and accept the Skyblock Discord rules and our code of conduct? Yes I do
luka a permanent discord ban appeal was accepted today which was submitted a month after mine and I still haven't had a reply from ANY moderator? and i've been banned since 2021.....
Hello Queen, We are discussing your ban now. You should hear back in two days with the outcome. Thank you for your absolute patience
Hello, The team has decided to accept your appeal. We feel like you have shown that you want to be part of the community and know when is too far and can scale back to match skyblock. We have not had any significant complaints about you and feel its only right now that you are back on all platforms. Just keep in mind we will be holding you to a higher standard due to giving you this chance. While you will have the same punishment escalation as most players the end punishment will not be easily reversed and may take longer than this one took. So that leaves room for a slip up but not many of them. Again, thank you for your patience in all of this and enjoy everything on discord.
Thank you for creating an appeal, your appeal has been accepted! Please make sure that you read our rules here before continuing on as normal! Thread closed and moved to Appeals Archive.