Im sure this has already been suggested before but im going to suggest that the server take all commands through lcase so that the server reads them as lower case always. It is silly if you do /FIX it will say its not a command but will activate the cooldown for the command. So you cant use it till cooldowns over even tho it didnt fire before.
Used to work pre 1.19 update. There is a bug report open (has been since 1.19 update) regarding this.
Having all /commands work either /UPPER CASE /lower case or MiXeD CaSeS should let the command work. They shouldn't be case sensitive lol
Adding a .lower() to a line before executing a command is hard OK? /s Now that I think about it, it could probably be doable in the meantime with a mod. Pssssst xolt
This is really a problem that should be fixed server-side. There are too many special cases to deal with - simply converting all commands to lower case would be inadequate. For example, the /msg command. This approach would cause all of your messages to be sent in lower case. It could be restricted to just the first argument of the command, but then multi-argument case-sensitive commands would not be fixed. The only plausible solution I can think of is to maintain a list of affected commands, and only target those. But that would be time consuming, and adds to the maintenance load.
Well there you go! Thanks for the quick fix. I guess targeting only the first argument is fine as a workaround. Just wouldn’t consider it a “proper” fix since it doesn’t handle all cases.
This would make sense I guess. Is it not possible to just have commands not be case sensitive so they'd work even if typed with capitals? Idk much about how that would work
Commands like /fix and /warp are handled on the server side, so a change would have to be made there to remove case sensitivity entirely. All the client can do is modify the command before sending it.
Upon doing some more research, it looks like Spigot introduced some changes to the command system in 1.19.1. One of the consequences of this was commands becoming case-sensitive (as they are in vanilla). There is some discussion about it here: (1.19.1) Commands are now case-sensitive · Issue #8223 · PaperMC/Paper · GitHub Since this is a change made in Spigot, and not a plugin, I doubt we will be seeing a fix for this server-side. So a client workaround may be needed to achieve this after all.
Also, I haven't been able to find any commands where the first argument contains capitals (except for one that does nothing), or where the others are case sensitive, so lowercasing just the first argument should work for all commands at the moment. Would just need to pay attention to any new commands, and whether they contain capitals in the first argument/check case on later arguments.
I guess you could add a fail safe where you run the command normally and check for its output and if it's the error msg, you lower case it.
Seems kind of clunky. Would also be pretty easy to get kicked for spam using this unless a delay is added (which would be even clunkier lol) What I could do (not sure why I didn't think of this earlier) is just check if the lower case version of the command is present in the command tree (basically a list of the server's commands sent when you join). This way, commands containing capitals will not be affected, since their lowercase version won't be in the tree.
Yeah, although all of the commands I could find are case insensitive on their secondary arguments, so its not really an issue unless that changes in the future. It was that and commands that are supposed to contain capitals in their first argument (which can be accounted for by doing what I described above). I think with the above fix it should be reliable enough.