Global Updates - February 3rd, 2025 Numerous QoL changes and bug fixes to Skyblock Advertisements (/ads). 1. Ads will now expire in 7 days, compared to 3 days. 2. Small updates to menu items, text, colors, etc. 3. Various bug fixes, most notably, patching a potential glass pane dupe. 4. It is now easier to separate lines in your ad descriptions. Add a period "." or exclamation mark "!" at the end of a sentence to have the next words/sentence start on the next line. For example, "Welcome. to. my. island!" will put each word on its own line with spaces in-between. There is a maximum of 4 lines. 5. Statistics and data such as total grass/money spent, total visits, and total advertisements purchased are now being logged and will be visible within your profile menu soon. Special thanks to Adriansop
hey, so apparently /ah is now taxed? and it wasn't told to us in an update? you know we're just not gonna use /ah now, right? EDIT: sorry, not to be a downer. the /ad stuff is a good update
Awesome update! Brill, we could already seperate lines using ounctuation, but limited to 4 lines now only ? How come? Yeah what space says. I just found out my /ah sales are being %5 tax deducted. This means any large value item being sold will have to be listed higher priced to compensate which could else's to players getting scammed in game. I personally don't agree with this new tax, especially as it wasn't announced either and many people are now going to lose out on a potential profit.