Global Updates - April 28th & 29th, 2024 New Forums Design! Read more info here: Special thanks to Benj. Fixed issues with the migration of old shops causing the editing GUIs of affected shops to no longer open. Added new GUI for owned shops that you can teleport to by clicking on them, the command to access said GUI is /shops owned. Owned shops are ordered based on their remaining trades (ascending). Added additional transaction notification messages when the shop is out of stock or has no space left, clicking the message will teleport you to that shop. Added /shops teleport command that can teleport the player to an owned shop, this command is not intended to be used by players directly and is only being used by the notification messages. You can now teleport to unknown username shops if you have visit-only bypass permissions. Fixed username placeholder for shop transaction notifications.
Did some testing: It works if I'm using anything up to the 1.20.4 Minecraft client. Using any client versions newer than that gives me this error and kicks me from the server when I use the command.