Fair Store Prices?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Dolphin, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. Dolphin

    Dolphin Member

    Sep 27, 2019
    I wanted to know what the average selling value for the following items is:
    Iron,Gold,diamond,obby,redstone,emerald,beacon, any rare, gold blocks etc
    Posted at school and may not be on laptop in the afternoon to reply, apologies.
    - FrogBandit
  2. GAMER1232012

    GAMER1232012 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2014
    Hey Frog, prices for many of the items you mentioned are currently rather volatile. As such, I can only offer an approximate range and pray that they're accurate.

    Iron: Between 3:2 and 2:1. Either of these prices is relatively reasonable, with 2:1 being the more commonly seen.

    Gold: Nobody buys nuggets or ingots, so I'll assume you mean blocks. Goldblocks are currently in high demand once again, so the price has gone up and is now hovering between 8:1 and 10:1.

    Diamonds: All prices between 1:3, 2:5, or 1:2 are about equally common.

    Redstone: Dust sells for around 128:1, while a common price for blocks is 10:1.

    Emeralds: Steady at 1:4.

    For the purpose of this post, I'll exclude drop party heads and focus on the more common rares, so to speak.

    1. Elytra: Anywhere from 380 to 430 is a reasonable price to pay, although some have been sold in the past week slightly below 380 and slightly above 440. If you want one gone quickly, price it at 375 or below.

    2. Legendary Key: Anywhere from 360 to 430 is a reasonable price to sell it at. I've been fortunate recently and been able to purchase a few at around 380. If you want one gone quickly, price it at 370 or below.

    3. Epic Key: Contrary to popular belief, these keys are actually somewhat rarer than legendary keys, as most people have the good sense not to purchase them off the store. They're like watered down versions of legendary keys, but without the prestige and head rush that comes from opening one. Currently, I believe the price is between 220 and 250 per key, although I think Tore sells them for 285. If you want one gone quickly, price them at 190 or below(I don't think too many people buy them).

    4. Rare Key: These should go for between 14 and 16 grass. 14 grass is a rather low price, and I personally buy these for either 15 or 16 grass. If you want one gone quickly, price them at 15 or below.

    5. Wither Head: The price of these varies greatly depending on the buyer and seller, but I can confidently guess that their selling value is somewhere between 250 and 350, although I have seen them go up to 400 about two weeks ago. If you want one gone quickly, best price it under 250.

    6. Creeper Head: Again, the price of these varies greatly depending on buyer and seller, but you can reasonably sell these for between 200 and 270, although some have gone for upwards of 300 within the last month. If you want one gone quickly, price it at under 200(they're not the most popular items).

    7. Beacon: Sell them now! For some reason, many people have kicked up a panic due to rumors and speculation that the mob arena is returning very soon. Although this has not been confirmed, there is enough weight behind these rumors to cause a lot of confusion as to the selling price. As Haberson currently has his priced around 300, and there have been at least 8 sold in the last week for around 250, you can reasonably price them between 200 and 235 and expect to find a buyer within a week.

    8. Nether Star: These are slightly more valuable than beacons, as they can be turned into beacons but the same is untrue vice versa. I believe the price is somewhere between 200 and 260 for stars, although these numbers may be outdated.

    9. Pots: I'll lump these into one category, as I can't be bothered to separate them. Legendary pots go for around 50 to 80, Epic pots go for around 30 to 50(unclear what the price is right now as these are so rarely sold), Rare pots go for 10 to 20(closer to 10 than 20).

    10. Sponges: There is a common misconception that wet and dry sponges are fundamentally different. This is untrue, as dry sponges become wet sponges when exposed to water. Likewise, wet sponges can be dried with a furnace. Both sell for anywhere between a low 50 and a high 80, but are somewhat difficult to sell, as they are pretty lackluster.

    Feel free to PM me on Discord at Soviet Reunion#7277 or comment on here if I've forgotten anything.
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  3. Marcy

    Marcy Apostlé of Falcons Premium

    Mar 30, 2018
    I'm pretty sure Nether Stars are worth more than that,

    and I didn't know that Epic Keys were so high.
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  4. GAMER1232012

    GAMER1232012 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2014
    I was surprised too, but after accounting for their rarity compared to legendary keys, I have no trouble believing that they're worth about half a leg. I've bought and sold at least 8 of them for around that price, all of which have since been opened.
  5. RedstoneTrails

    RedstoneTrails Moderator Moderator

    Aug 4, 2014
    Allow me to steal GAMER1232012's formatting and interject my own prices...
    Iron: Most common price you want to sell at is 3:2, most common you want to buy at is 2:1. Some players with larger shops will sell iron 1:1, and other players who don't care about earning grass will sell iron 3:1 or cheaper. There's over 5 DCs of grass in player buy shops buying iron at 2:1, so anyone who sells cheaper than 2:1 is just doing it for the fun of it, not the grass.

    Gold Blocks: Generally 8:1 up to 16:1. Gold blocks are in high demand again, so their price is on the higher end. When demand goes back down, you can expect to see gold prices return to 12:1 on average.

    Diamonds: Most common you'll see is 3 or 2.5 grass each, with some being 4 grass each, and others being 2 grass each. You will always be able to sell diamonds at 2 grass each to player buy shops. Finding players selling diamonds 1:3 or 2:5 can be a bit difficult, as most diamonds currently get bought out fairly quickly. Larger shops will charge 1:4 for diamonds to help them always maintain inventory.

    Redstone: Between 64:1 and 128:1. A stack per grass is the most common sell price, with two stacks per grass being the most common buy price.

    Emeralds: Between 4-5 grass each.

    1. Elytra: Between 350 and 450. Anywhere below 400 will generally sell quickly. Anything above 400 will take at most a week to sell. You can also sell elytras 450-500 grass, though it may take up to two weeks to sell at 500 grass.

    2. Legendary Key: Between 350 and 450, generally the same as Elytras. I have seen cases where legendary keys go even cheaper than 350, generally in instances when a player wants to sell off a large amount quickly.

    3. Epic Key: Their price is somewhat up in the air. These keys are not frequently purchased from the store, with many people buying them seeking purely to get a zombie head or an epic pot. When they do sell, they generally sell between 192-320 grass. Most common price being around 256.

    4. Rare Key: Between 12-18 grass. Many shops buy them for 12-14 grass, and many shops sell them for 16-18 grass.

    5. Wither Head: Price is difficult to fully explain. They can no longer be obtained, so the price can technically only go up. At the moment, they generally trade around 300-350 grass each. Some people like to skew the price even more by placing as many wither skulls as they can and creating an army of withers. Other players like to hoard multiple stacks of wither heads, with no definitive end-goal.

    6. Creeper Head: Between 200-300 grass. I generally see them sold around 256.

    7. Beacon: When Mob Arena is open, they go for 100-150 grass. In the current state of Mob Arena, they go for 192-256. Price also always varies a bit depending on how many are actively being bought and sold, and how much someone wants a beacon.

    8. Nether Star: Ironically, these tend to sell for less than beacons while Mob Arena is open, but more than beacons while Mob Arena is down. With Mob Arena open, they sell for 75-125 grass. With Mob Arena down, they sell for 256-320 grass.

    9. Pots: I'll lump these into one category, as I can't be bothered to separate them. Legendary pots go for around 50 to 80, Epic pots go for 256-512 (very few on the server, and very few are ever sold), Rare pots go for 10 to 20. I generally see them around 16 grass each.

    Did I add much? Probably not. Mostly wanted to chime in on things like redstone, diamonds, and epic pots.
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