Implemented Economy-Beta 1.19 Test Review. Thoughts, Feedback and bugs <3

Discussion in 'Server Gameplay Suggestions Archive' started by CraftWithAbbie, Feb 20, 2023.

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  1. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    i had the opportunity to test the beta a second time myself, of which i let my friend golden_tom have a go on my computer also. its been fun seeing some of the newer items, and whilst i didnt get much of a chance to fully test past known bugs, i found a couple which i think have already been mentioned. one was the bartender had drinks that you could drag out into your inventory, whereas others couldnt and instead imidiatly bought the items. the common crate had no fireworks to it when openeing a key, but the normal keys open awesome, using crouch and click. If i try place an item by dropping it into a crop hopper, this enters the hopper however it stops there, staying inside one of the hopper's inventory slots and doesnt move into a chest. Current Crop hoppers before this beta, allowed any item to flow through like a regular hopper also. which can be good, but i also see a problem wher in that if a player dropped items into someone elses crop hopper, that didnt have a block covering the top of it, then that crop hopper could become blockedup with uselesss items, and stops working.

    Another bug i found, was whilst entering the nether, i had a slow connection speed, so only half the nether spawn had loaded in, this meant i could xray see blocks which i wouldnt have been able to see otherwise. i thought i found a netherite block, with the spiral texturs on it, however when mining away the surrounding area, as soon as the block came contact with an air block, it just dissapeared. this happened a lot. the nether showing up netherite blocks, which dissapear when you go to try mine. i think this is just a texture bug though.

    the shop could definitly be updated to include some more of the newer items, i do like how it now has seperate pages. however this made it hard to find items that once were in the shop menu, such as flint itself missing from the menus, and some tools like the flint n steel, which i couldnt find either. maybe adding some of the newer craft blocks, such as a loom, cartography table, stone cutters etc could be added under a shop menu, at a higher price than theyd be to craft, but this would help newer players to learn about the newer block craftable options. banners and maps are goiung to be getting upgraded also which i super love. being able to lock maps at last :)

    Theres an Event Limit, which seems to show up in chat very regularly, ive read a differnt thread saying it could be updates of block and water bubbles, all i know is in chat i saw the red error, an event limit has been reached!, several times throughout the day of playing.

    i also got kicked for flying, when i was stood on a block opening a chest lol. probably my internet connection however.

    one final noter, is that i left the beta to join the classic server with my friend for a few mins, but when i joined back to the beta, it lagged me out several times, i had to join via skywars, then to survival, then back to the economy-beta. it was stressful as it wouldnt let me rejoin, and i asked for staff support regarding this, but eventually i joined back in again. i know theres been another issue similar to this regarding timed out connections

    All in All, i loved the beta, im super excited to see this become a reality:)
    Thanks for letting me be a part of testing :heart:

    ~ Apples
  2. Dexuby

    Dexuby Active Member

    Jan 5, 2021
    Thanks for your feedback,

    - Bartender thing has been fixed.
    - Crop hopper item movement is not disabled, this has been tested again.
    - We added additional items to the eco shop.
    - The event limit value will get adjusted when necessary.
    - Might be related to your connection problems.
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