Hello guys this is a cheesy Introduction but well I wanted to give this a try and suggest this. So my suggestion is basically, by typing /comission in chat you get a tab where you see peoples comission or you make your own comission It's basically like in ads where you see people's ads or you make your own ad for other's to see Let's say you want to remove a platform on your island so you make a comission and write what you need help with and type in the amount of grass you will pay the person for example 'Payment: 256 grass' or maybe even a rare it doesn't always have to be grass And then you click on that comission which takes you to another tab to see any further information etc. and you just click 'Confirm' if you want to do this comission or just ignore it if you prefer not doing it this took me a lot of time to do please appreciate it i hope no one else suggested this before im rlly proud of this idea and i would appreciate everyones support ;D 3333
Hmm, I really like the idea of this, however, it really isn't needed. I feel as if it is just easier to ask in chat if anyone is available to help remove a platform as per se. I'm just also a little bit concerned about the implementation of the GUI and certain logistics such as multiple players accepting the same commission and/or players backing out commissions and the person who created the commission having to re-advertise. I'm sure there is a way that these issues could be overcome but for now, I'm just going to be neutral. I really do like the idea and the thread looks amazing btw!
thank you so much for your reply it’s very appreciated i know you can ask in chat but people rarely see whenever someone does ask so i thought maybe this will make things a bit easier and yes it might come to that multiple will accept one but the commission would just close itself after one person accepts you know?
yer I get it. So, one player accepts it then it closes for everyone else, the only thing is then the player who accepted the commission can just not do the task at all wasting the time of the person who needed the task done in the first place. Also, how would the payment system work? would it all be dependant on the person needing the task done manually paying the person who did the commission?
well it can be possible to write in information if you will be paid from the person who wrote the commission or before posting it you choose if they should be paid automatically after you confirm that they finished ?
Will most likely cause additional work for all moderators especially since there are a lot of niche cases. I don't know if it's really needed.
In theory it sounds good, but in practice it isn't very simple and easy The main issue is the accountability. Assuming it works similar to /ah on Economy, you'd accept the offer and receive the payment. At this point how can you guarantee the person won't run away with the grass and not do the job? The only way you can do this is collateral worth roughly the same value. This also doesn't work since there are players who want to do jobs because they don't have anything of value and can't offer the same amount. This leaves the option of having no payment involved and it strictly being an informational acceptance. So someone goes to the commissions page, accepts an offer, and waits until the commissioner gets on to get them to work. The commissioner would receive a notice in the /commission page that Insert Name has accepted the offer and so they could for example send them a mail to let them know they're ready. All of that just leads back to a trust deal with someone doing a job then the commissioner handing them the money personally. All of it seems like an overly complicated way to get jobs done when you can easily advertise in chat you need something done in chat for payment. Every time I advertise I'm paying for work I always get messages immediately of people who want to help. If someone wants to reply to this with a practical solution to how the /commissions setup would work go ahead I'd be interested but it just seems impractical and not super necessary