A Lesson for All Mods

Discussion in 'Discussions Archive' started by Cyk753, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. Cyk753

    Cyk753 Super Moderator Super Moderator Staff Applicant Advisor

    Sep 18, 2015
    To all mods and devs:

    Kindly stop hopping on my island when I'm offline to kill my stacked sheep. Kindly do not teleport to my island to kill off mobs because you think it will help with the current lag issue. Kindly keep away from other player's islands as well.

    Allow me to educate you on why it is not always an appropriate response to kill off the mobs in the name of server lag. I know everyone has complained of a laggy server since this spring, but TPS is not the issue. The server's TPS has always been above 19.00 during nearly every lag experience I've been through since this spring. The real issue I suspect is how people connect to the server. Let me explain in more detail.

    I understand you have access to the /lagg command and that it can automatically teleport you to the laggiest loaded chunk in the server. But you must keep in mind the current TPS. TPS stands for ticks per second and is a measure of how well the server is handling the strain of people playing. The best case scenario, the server TPS will be at 20.00 and the game will run smoothly for everyone. The server's TPS is affected when calculating things like mob movement, redstone, growth of crops and trees, loading chunks etc. You will notice when TPS is low (strain on the server is higher) when things start slowing down in the game. We can also check the TPS any time with the /gc command. No one starts noticing lag due to TPS until it gets about 16 ish or lower. Anything above 19.00 is excellent and you have no need to clear out mobs. Please also take note of what a chunk is.

    A chunk is a unit of the map that is 16 blocks long x 16 blocks wide x 256 blocks tall. All the area around a player is divided up into these chunks. The server loads the chunks around each player up to a certain set distance. These chunks near a player are active and the server has to calculate what's going on. If a player is too far away from a certain chunk, then the server automatically unloads that chunk. This is why you see some parts of the world disappear as you walk away. The key here is that if the chunk is unloaded, then the server is not worrying about it at all. Proof of this: drop some items on the ground, teleport far far away before the clear lag countdown finishes, then teleport back after clear lag is done. You will notice that clear lag did not take away the items on the ground. This is because the chunks holding the dropped items were immediately unloaded when you teleported away and therefore unaffected by the server's other active process of clearing lag. Unloaded chunks do not affect the server's performance in any way. Mobs on unloaded chunks do not affect the server's performance in any way. Now is the time to bring up the plugin called merged mobs.

    Merged Mobs has been especially useful. It combines freshly spawned mobs to form 1 beastly mob. Essentially the mobs stack. This saves the server from straining because it no longer has to calculate how each individual mob will move. For example, the plugin will combine 10 white sheep into a single white sheep with a special label 10x. This works to create a 100x sheep, 1000x, sheep, 10,000x sheep, and even a 100,000 x sheep. If there is a 100,000x sheep, the game still counts it as just 1 sheep! Want proof again? Hit the F3 button on your keyboard to load the minecraft debugger and go look a stacked sheep. In the top left corner there is an E: and a number. That number after the E: shows how many entities are in your field of view. A stacked mob will count as just 1 entity to the game and so it does not become a source of lag. Let us now agree that stacked mobs do not cause lag.

    Mobs affect the server which can be measured by looking at the Ticks Per Second; but if TPS is high, then mobs are not what is causing the server to lag and there is no reason to remove them. Let's now try to figure out the source of lag that has been consistently plaguing this server since spring of this year.

    Many people have observed that lag comes and goes with player count. I have played through out all times of day and night. I have personally observed that lag starts being a problem when the player count is about 70 and there is severe lagging as that number approaches 80. People start lagging out and losing connection to the server at around 80 players. I have never seen this server hit 9o players in all these months. Numerous players have quit because of how awful the game play experience has been. Yet in all these occurrences of lag, TPS has been largely unaffected. This means that lag issues are not because of something players are doing in game.

    You can check yourself by coming online before the server's scheduled reset (2pm for me at Central Time USA or 7pm GMT) and typing /list and /gc. You will see everyone in chat complaining about lag while the TPS is perfectly fine. Right after the server restarts, come back online and type /list and /gc again. You will notice that player count has been drastically reduced because all the afk players have been kicked. You will also notice a huge improve on lag. Finally you will notice that TPS is still about the same as before.

    I have heard second hand that Cyp said the lag is from the server having to deal with the many different versions of minecraft there are that people log into the server with. Dev Leeeeroieeee has promised to work on our lag issue. I truly believe that mobs (which are just a fraction of the game experience) are not the cause of the issue. I'll submit one last proof that mobs are really not causing lag.

    As you all know I run a successful business. Some of the things I sell are colored wool at the ridiculously low price of 9 stacks of any color wool for 1 grass block. I have achieved this with the use of 330 spawners all set to sheep. Now I know mobs have been an an issue for lag in the past, so I have built my sheep grinder to put the least amount of strain on the server and take advantage of the merged mobs plugin. I have allowed my sheep spawners to be on for about 2 hours now and the TPS has been perfectly fine. I will post pictures below of the /gc command and you will see for yourself that I do not cause lag. I hope each and everyone one of you have taken the time to carefully read through this post. I am sure you all have learned some important things about our server. It was a lot of information so I'll leave a summary for you all.

    If I'm not online and no one is at my island, you do not have to worry about my animals. It will not affect the current lag issue we are having. Same goes for everyone else who is offline. If we are online, please check TPS and message us before you decide to go on a killing spree. It is very upsetting to suddenly lose pets and stacked sheep, especially so because I know that it will not improve the overall server experience. Please stop killing our animals now.

    Thank you.


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    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
  2. mijiperki

    mijiperki Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    Well said! It's good to know that some people in this community actually know what they are talking about.
  3. Stel

    Stel Guest

    Please kindly stop spawning 34,000 sheep.
  4. decaying

    decaying Member

    Feb 28, 2017
    Im guessing she's not actually spawning the sheep, spawners are.
    whats the point in building a big grinder with multiple spawners if your then told to reduce the spawing?
    Or worse someone comes along and destroys output of your grinder?

    So if a mod was teleported to the laggiest area and saw 34k sheep, would they destroy them?

    And isnt a merged block of 34k sheep just 1 entity?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  5. bERYbERRY

    bERYbERRY c000000000000000kies Builder Premium

    Mar 2, 2014
    Tbh these big grinders like cyk's and jack's are no problem and they aren't causing lag like what cyk mentioned but I witnessed a few skygods spawning in many mobs that I lagged very hard from them. And the lag as cyk said probs from the plugins needing updated I believe
  6. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    I find it extremely rude that you instantly accuse staff of killing your mobs with no substantial proof that it is us. You fail to account for the fact the server itself kills off entities to reduce lag and other ways mobs can disappear without staff using a command.

    Don't lecture staff about your missing mobs until you 100% know and can prove that we are the ones actually removing your mobs. How disrespectful.
  7. Cyk753

    Cyk753 Super Moderator Super Moderator Staff Applicant Advisor

    Sep 18, 2015
    No one else comes to my island. My island is locked all the time. And several hours ago I caught Leeeeroieeee and Keranha at my island removing some of my bunnies without saying 1 word to me. TPS was perfectly fine and Leeeeroieeee admitted I was right that they were not causing lag after the fact.

    Besides, I've had previous visits from Lemonade_, Wilbo, and others who have each apologized for being wrong after the fact.

    The point is to teach people that mobs are not contributing to the current lag issue. And to ask mods to take extra consideration and just message players instead of blindly removing mobs. It's a small courtesy you guys can afford.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
  8. Stel

    Stel Guest


    Cyk takes net seriously

  9. MikaMelody

    MikaMelody Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2013
    I had 2 sets of stacked sheep.
    Each Stack has around 50k sheep.
    It has been sitting on an locked island for over a month.
    No one knows the island owner but me
    But today i found out my sheep are all gone.

    IF Cyk's sheep disappeared and your reason is "server itself kills off entities to reduce lag and other ways mobs can disappear without staff using a command" then my sheep should disappear too, my neighbors bunch of un-stacked mobs should be gone also.
    My Stacked sheep is still alive (until today)

    Obviously a Mod killing them with a command

    Also i wanted to know which mod came to my island
  10. Zack Saunders

    Zack Saunders Guest

    kindly stop being rude
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2017
  11. Gumo

    Gumo Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2015
    My sheep were gone too despite the island being locked. (and they were stacked so like...)
    Edit: Guessing it was one of the islands Emerald fixed.
  12. Dewsiee

    Dewsiee Boss Member

    Mar 16, 2014
    The server is resetting anyway, why does it matter? XD
  13. Gumo

    Gumo Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2015
    Not a new reset, it's a new separate server. Maybe he plans to stay on the current one?
  14. Leeeroieee

    Leeeroieee Well-Known Member Premium

    Mar 26, 2017
    Thank you so much for taking the time to write this all out. I can tell you feel very strongly about this, and I understand your frustration.

    I really do appreciate the care you took in documenting and explaining your observations and supporting evidence. This kind of information is very helpful to me as I continue to study the causes of lag on the server.

    I want you to know that I value your feedback and that I may be reaching back to you privately with more questions to make sure I understood it correctly.

    In the meantime, sorry for the trouble and thank you for bearing with me.
  15. athyrix

    athyrix Senior Member Premium

    Jul 31, 2016
    You shouldn't assume that it was us, and I don't kill others animals as I wouldn't particularly want it done to me.
  16. Lemonade

    Lemonade Boss Member

    Jan 11, 2015
    We've had this encounter before for sure.
    This thread is actually quite condescending and rude by implying we don't know how the server works. If you would have just dealt with mods you saw at your island (or whatever you said) instead of making a thread that puts all mods in one group of "people who know nothing about how the server works," it'd be different.

    Instead, you categorized all mods by this thread as shown in your title. This is nothing more than a callout thread, which is never meant in a respectful manner. There were so many other things you could have done, such as making a suggestion thread, ask what made the sheep despawn instead of instantly accusing mods, and such more.
  17. Cyk753

    Cyk753 Super Moderator Super Moderator Staff Applicant Advisor

    Sep 18, 2015
    I've had past visits from several mods before who did exactly this.

    I did have a private conversation and it cleared up a few things, but there are other people who have had the same issues. There are also tons of players who think mobs are an issue whenever severe lag hits the server. I rather set things straight here and now. My aim is to be informative, not condescending.
  18. SkittleNinja77

    SkittleNinja77 Member

    Jul 31, 2015
  19. Megalozavr

    Megalozavr Active Member

    Jun 19, 2017
    Cyk, thank you very much for all information you gave. I have more understanding how server works and what power mods have.

    My voice is for Cyk
  20. GRocksMc

    GRocksMc Member

    Nov 7, 2016
    Cyk, this thread was insanely helpful to me and I'm sure it was to the others that read it or have yet to. I've personally never had that problem because I'm not in the mob business on the server. I will still vouch for you, Cyk, because I see why it would be a problem for you and how annoying and frustrating it would get. I also see how much dedication you have and how much you care which makes me support this even more. :)

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