Comments on Profile Post by KixlePixel

  1. megadorkvikki
    I just saw them live a week or two ago. Amazing! I really love their sound. Very talented band. Their music takes me somewhere else. It just makes the world melt.
    Jul 17, 2014
  2. KixlePixel
    lucky! and yeah, they're really unique and talented!
    Jul 18, 2014
  3. megadorkvikki
    I saw them with Attila. It was really high energy. Lots of moshing and body surfing.
    Jul 18, 2014
  4. KixlePixel
    i would be jealous but i am a feeble weakling and have never moshed before, and i'll probably manage to be crushed in 17 different ways... hope you had fun though!
    Jul 18, 2014