1. You're welcome
2. As stated in the deletion message (which you should've gotten) Your comment on the thread was off-topic and did not contribute to the forum type (as stated in the forum rules)
3. I myself, much like other moderators, have no input into the development of the bedrock side of the server, so please don't blame us for that.
luka he never said that he didn’t know the reason why it was deleted. He just said it was from a mystery mod. And I already told him that staff don’t work on the bedrock update.
I don't know what the deleted post was. if it violated a rule, then that's understandable. If not, it can't be taken well.
I personally have been threatened with a ban for spreading negativity. Well, I wasn't spreading negativity, I was just discussing negative aspects of the server. As far as I'm concerned there is too much hiding of the truth.
Comments on Profile Post by Timmut