Comments on Profile Post by Jerrry

  1. otter360
    Sorry but I no longer buy. vvyovx started buying for higher ($780 per) so I kinda gave up :p
    Would you still sell even if it was the old price of $775 per? Completely fine if you wouldn't :)
    Jul 12, 2020
    Jerrry likes this.
  2. Jerrry
    Oh, was making a joke about my eco ban. Maybe, maybe not. If vvyovx has their island blocked it would be helpful for you to be buying (and even if you arent still the top buyer, some people wouldn't know that including me)
    Jul 12, 2020
    otter360 likes this.
  3. Jerrry
    Hmm, im wondering. Out of all of the vote keys you have opened, have you ever gotten a legendary vote key?
    Jul 13, 2020
  4. otter360
    Nope, only ever like 3 epic keys which gave me garbage xD
    Jul 13, 2020
    Jerrry likes this.
  5. Jerrry
    Jul 13, 2020
    otter360 likes this.