Comments on Profile Post by Maximilian

  1. Sartex
    Aint nobody got time for dat. XD
    I've been learning to make more mods and trying to take some art lessons if you havent seen my prof pic yet. XD I made that avatar. I have several mods in mind atm and I am trying to make them. Atm, I have some other priorities before I rejoin the server XD
    May 13, 2013
  2. Maximilian
    This is how your priorities should be:
    1: Follow maximilian500 :3
    2: Re-join the servers.
    3: In Real Life random stuffs.
    May 14, 2013
  3. Maximilian
    Priorties is good :D
    May 14, 2013
  4. Sartex
    KK There. I did step #1 and #2
    May 14, 2013
  5. Maximilian
    Amazing, I am so proud of you.
    You better not quit the server for at least 4 weeks, since I can't be online for like more than 2 min now xD
    May 14, 2013
  6. Sartex
    Lol. Aint nobody got time for dat. D:
    I'll see what I can do... I make no promises though :p
    May 14, 2013