[FatherOfTheSword] Bridging [NIH301] [Unabn: 24/OCT]

Discussion in 'Appeals Archive' started by Father, Oct 10, 2014.

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  1. Father

    Father Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    Server name (.net /.org) skyblock.net

    In-game name: fatherofthesword

    Full exact Ban Message: bridging

    Did you read the rules ? No unfortunately I was unaware that making a bridge was illegal. I was simply joining up my island to an empty island that was 64 blocks away from my island that I found for my friend

    Why do YOU think you were banned? Because I built a cobblestone bridge to another island .

    Was this an incorrect ban? If it is illegal then yes. Could you please let me know where the rules are as I have only seen Forum rules online. I am always very respectful of rules and other players and if this is correct then I will not build bridges again.

    Were you ever banned before on SkyBlock? If so, what for? No

    Why do you think you should be unbanned? I am very very upset with this ban because I called a moderator to help me because my island that I had been working on for some time was griefed. The moderator NIH301 came to help (thanks) but you said 'this bridge is stupid' and banned me. I wish you could have explained to me first what I did wrong and now I feel doubly bad because all my stuff has been taken and now I am banned :( I do not think that I should be banned for this and now that I know that I can't build bridges I will never do this again. Sorry.
  2. NIH301

    NIH301 Banned

    Mar 31, 2013
    There is multiple ways to see the rules. A vendor sells a book at spawn and also at /warp rules.

    You didn't only bridge to one island though did you..
  3. Father

    Father Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    yes i bridged to three islands but i did not know until now that it was illegal. I will review rules and have learnt my lesson and will not do again. (sorry)
  4. NIH301

    NIH301 Banned

    Mar 31, 2013
    Not knowing the rules does not give you an excuse to do illegal things like bridging. It's your responsibility to check the rules of the server and adhere to them.

    I have removed your bridge and rolled back your island by two days. This is to ensure that any items you stole from the other islands is removed. This will not be your only punishment though. You will also serve a two week ban.

    Your account will be unbanned on the 24th October. Since you are planning to read the rules (as you should), I don't expect to see your name in this section again.

  5. NIH301

    NIH301 Banned

    Mar 31, 2013
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