Expired Mute Appeal

Discussion in 'Appeals Archive' started by skaM, Mar 26, 2022.

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  1. skaM

    skaM Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2020
    Leave this up until Krissy responds because I believe this muted was unwarranted and would like to know it was given out and I am at least owed that if she has time to mute me she has time to respond to the appeal.

    Mute Appeal

    Punished account name:DrskaM (Kam)
    Platform or server punished on:Skyblock.NET (Survival)
    Mute message if applicable:“You are muted! (22 hours, 54 minutes remaining)!”
    Have you read the rules?Yes, I have thoroughly.
    Do you think this punishment was incorrect?I have no idea. I was not on at the time of the muting and was not given the common courtesy of being informed by the parties involved.
    Why should you be unmuted?I am not seeking an unmute per se, I’m seeking valid reasoning on why I was muted and why I was not informed of such punishment.
    Please list any other times you were punished on Skyblock:
    DrskaM Bans/Mutings;
    2012-2015: Advertising (#1 skyblock.net is awesome 1#), Abusing a rail duplication glitch.
    2010–2022: Egging nuisance, Possessing and distributing another player's in-game items to an alternative island, Estimated 1 month+ in allocated mute time.
    If you know, tag the staff member that muted you:After contacting not one but two other staff members I was informed that the acting staff member that distributed the punishment was Krissy (Borahae).
    A special thank you to Megan (Meggann) and Geo (mlgeo) for the additional help!
    Do you understand and accept our rules and code of conduct?I have a complete and in-depth understanding of both the rules and code of conduct and I willingly accept to follow them.
  2. luka

    luka macdondalds Moderator Premium

    Apr 10, 2016
    Thank you for creating an appeal. Your ban has now expired.
    Please make sure that you read our rules here before continuing on as normal!
    Thread closed and moved to Appeals Archive.
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