Closed Add Command To List Islands You're Trusted On

Discussion in 'Server Gameplay Suggestions Archive' started by Novembree, Oct 12, 2021.

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  1. Novembree

    Novembree Super Moderator Super Moderator

    Apr 9, 2021
    Hi everyone! Hope ya'll are having a good day.
    (Hope this hasn't been suggested already, I looked back but didn't see it, let me know if I'm wrong)!

    My suggestion is this: Add a command that lists the islands you're currently trusted on. (Aka provides igns of the islands you're trusted on).

    This is useful in many ways, to know what islands you have access to, and also which ones you should request to be removed from. For instance, when helping new players you may have to be trusted in order to assist them, and later forget to ask to be untrusted. Things can happen, you might be accused of grieving/theft if you're among those currently trusted on the island etc.

    I would like the command /trusted list or something similar to be used. :)
    [Or use a different (custom) command, since /trusted list is similar to /trust list which displays who is trusted on your island. Feel free to leave command suggestions below.]

    Let me know any feedback! Thanks!

    - Bree​
    • No Support No Support x 6
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  2. Ca1

    Ca1 Senior Member

    Apr 24, 2014
    I no support I think it used to be a command but it is removed because people looked at where they are trusted so they know who to grief
  3. luka

    luka macdondalds Moderator Premium

    Apr 10, 2016
    On classic when you do the command /trust list it shows the islands you are trusted on and who is trusted on your island.


    I believe this was not implemented on economy and skyblock to prevent griefing and looting. Allowing people to know whose island they are trusted on gives them a list of potential islands they can grief. Although obviously this is not condoned, people still did so.

    If re-implemented I do think cases of greifing or looting would increase, however, I do believe the current staff team would be able to handle it.
    I think that bringing this command back would be nice. I myself enjoyed being able to know whose island I was trusted on. There is really no reason to bring it back, but I personally would like to see it return.
  4. Trickyy

    Trickyy Active Member

    Nov 7, 2017
    Skip to last paragraph for short and direct answer :)

    This used to be a command, I do not know the reason why it was removed but as mentioned above by Ca1 it might have been removed to decrease the chances of griefing, makes the most sense. In a way it could be used for good and bad but I believe mostly bad.

    If you don't remember what islands you are trusted on its highly likely it doesn't matter and you will never need to access that island in the future. I assume you would remember your friends usernames that matter and you, on a regular basis, visit and interact with their island. All other islands really don't matter if the person forgot to untrust you that's their problem and that's why /trust list is a thing. I don't see why /trusted list would need to be a thing.

    On the other hand what if your a lucky person with lots of friends with no trust issues and you don't remember which of your friends trust you. It would be a lot easier to do /trusted list to see what friends trust you, other than visiting every single friend to see. But why would you forget the islands your currently working on? Why are you looking at who trusts you? Why does it matter as long as you remember what islands your in the process of building.

    In the end, the only situation this command would be useful that I see would be if your in the process of working on 10 or more islands or if you have trade shops on lots of islands. And maybe that's your situation, maybe that's a lot of peoples situations. Since its not mine but it could be others ....

    Edit: after further thought and reading everyone else's ideas about this, no support.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2021
  5. Calidre

    Calidre Experienced Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    No Support

    Whenever I help someone and I need trust on their island I 100% of the time always tell them to remove me from the trust list as I do not want to be trusted and accidentally do things on anyone else's island. Which islands you're trusted on is good to know, but it's better to find out randomly and ask that person specifically to remove you rather than knowing every individual one, if you don't know what islands you are trusted on it's better to just keep it that way, unknown.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2021
  6. Triggered

    Triggered Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2019
    Lol. Every single time someone reports an incident or has a suggestion relating to the trust command, almost everyone says something like “Only /trust players you actually trust” “Thats why you only trust players you know”, so why would there be an issue with this suggestion if we’re only trusting players we know? I mean that’s what almost everyone says to do when trusting someone on your island.

    Last edited: Oct 12, 2021
  7. boba

    boba modern manifesto Premium

    Dec 26, 2019
    I originally no supported until I saw Triggered say this (something smart for the first time :rollingeyes:)
    It's a very good point made. Support for the suggestion!
  8. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    No support.
    It was removed for a good reason and should not be reinstated.
    Why it was removed? Think about striking at the perfect moment and getting away with something because there is absolutely no proof anymore.

    Someone you trusted in the past notices you have been offline say 3 months. They realised this because they could see who trusts them and decided to look for islands to loot. They visit you because your island is unlocked, they see your stash of grass and simply loot it. You come back in another 3 months, maybe more, to resume your island after a nice break and then you notice you were looted. Mod comes, finds no logs because it's an old grief; and the grass? The person spent it on rares.
    It was more common than most people realised and created a problem that eventually was resolved on the new skyblock.

    The absence of seeing who trusts you is not harming the overall gameplay experience for people and it provides safety for everyone. So I see no reason to add it again.

    Remember, skyblock cannot survive unless we make the server a good environment for new players. That means understanding what it is like to be new. Possibly even younger. Only trusting people you trust is not easy to get through to new players either. So we need to be mindful about changes that can harm inexperienced players and stop them from enjoying the skyblock experience.
  9. Novembree

    Novembree Super Moderator Super Moderator

    Apr 9, 2021
    Hi everyone, after reviewing your replies I agree and have changed my mind about this suggestion. I obviously didn't think it through enough to realize this could cause griefing. I apologize for my ignorance, and I wish for this to be archived. Thank you everyone who has enlightened me. Have a great day :heart:
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