ASIA Mai's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by Mai, May 14, 2020.

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  1. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
    Thank you man, appreciate that fr
  2. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    Bump for Mai, please leave your constructive feedback below :)
  3. bERYbERRY

    bERYbERRY c000000000000000kies Builder Premium

    Mar 2, 2014
    Resupport I wanna see that dark blue name asap
  4. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
    Thank you both! :)
  5. Bossgamer

    Bossgamer Super Moderator Super Moderator

    Dec 31, 2015
    I don’t think I supported you in my previous post on this application so here is my support. Since being promoted to discord mod, you have further proved that you are capable of handling different situations and that you are committed to the role. Good luck.
  6. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
    Thank you Boss! Means a lot.
  7. Dinglesplat

    Dinglesplat Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
    Accidentally left a neutral rating even after saying support. Re support and Good luck mai, and keep up the amazing work!
  8. Pile

    Pile Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2013
    Throwbacks to when you and Krissy helped to DoX this kid you both hated on forums. She left that crap you posted up on forums for hours(AS A STAFF MEMBER) till I saw it and reported it, knowing full well it had that users private information. Children should be protected not hung out to dry.

    Krissy deleting this is staff abuse.

    No support. For obvious reasons.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2020
  9. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
    First of all, I would like to say that this is true. This did happen. I dropped a link that contained private information of a user on this forum, yes.

    I did this because I was trying to get a perm ban on the forums at the time. I was expecting to get banned within minutes, however it took many hours for that to happen.

    What I did was extremely wrong. I didn't realize how serious of an issue it was at the time, but I should have. I 100% understand what I did was wrong, and it is completely valid for anyone to change their mind when it comes to my application.

    I am extremely sorry to the user for what I did in the past. I have apologized to him a while back for everything I caused him back in 2017. I am extremely sorry for doing something that childish and unacceptable, I would take it back if I could, but it's too late now.

    I take full responsibility for my actions, and once again I am extremely sorry for what I caused. If any of you wish to not support me, I completely understand.


    To Pile

    It happened. It is not something I am proud of, and I deeply regret it. I understand if you wish to no support me or remain neutral. I have caused a lot of issues in the past which I am extremely sorry for, and it would be unfair to just ask you to trust me without me completely proving myself once again. Thank you for thinking of me as kind and helpful. That means a lot.
  10. Bossgamer

    Bossgamer Super Moderator Super Moderator

    Dec 31, 2015
    This was an altercation that occurred in 2017, nearly three years ago from today. Although what was done is unforgivable, I believe Mai is a different person from who she was nearly 3 years ago. She made bad choices and served the consequences of her actions at the time. Despite this being inexcusable, from a first-person perspective, with multiple interactions with Mai over the years, I have seen personally that she has grown from these mistakes and has learned from the consequences she faced.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2020
  11. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    As a wise man called leeeroieee once said:

    “But we know that we're none of us perfect, and we all make mistakes. Each of us has done something we're ashamed of in the past. What's important is that we learn from the experience, try to make amends, keep a humble attitude, and try to do a little better next time. And we should treat others with the same understanding we would like in return, imagining ourselves in their shoes and considering how we would feel in their place.”

    An incident 2-3 years ago to which has not been repeated is a good indication that change happened in the persons thinking, maturity and attitude. Something only people who took the time to look would see.

    Past is past and amends were made. We can all move on and be better people.
  12. Adriansop

    Adriansop Moderator Moderator

    Jan 12, 2019
    If you're similar to most people, you probably judge others by whatever mistakes you believe they have made. I was the same way for much of my life. But I eventually realized it is a form of loserthink. A smarter way of thinking is to judge people by how they respond to their mistakes. I'm sure that's the standard you would like to be applied to your own bad choices in life. We all make mistakes, and you could consider that a permanent feature of being human. But how we handle ourselves once the mistake happens is a better standard for judging each other.

    One big problem with judging people by their mistakes is that what you are actually doing is judging people by the mistakes you are aware of. The people you have judged to be angels might simply be better, or luckier, at getting away with their transgressions against humanity. That would result in an inaccurate ranking of human beings on your judgment scale. There's no point in being a judgmental person if you can't accurately rank people.

    That's just guessing.

    Another problem with judging people by their mistakes is that we make mistakes too, and we always have "reasons" for ours. Sometimes we think you haven't seen the full picture of a situation. Sometimes we are tired, dumb, frightened, angry or otherwise off our games when we make decisions, and those moments do not represent the person we are most of the time. Sometimes we think our mistakes were not mistakes at all, even if it looks that way to others. Sometimes we are blamed for things we didn't do. Sometimes we have different priorities, so perhaps the thing you thought was a mistake was a thing I thought was in the interest of the greater good. And so on. The point is that civilization works best when the standard of acceptable behaviour that you want applied to you is the same one you apply to others. You could call that a subset of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    We humans are judgmental people, and we can’t turn off that feature of our brains. Nor would I want to do so, since judging our environment is what keeps us alive. Consciousness is a continuous loop of looking for patterns and problems and judging them so we know what to do next. You can’t turn off your judging any more than a planet can turn off its own gravity. What you can do is make a decision to judge people’s lesser transgressions by how they respond to their mistakes, as opposed to judging the mistakes. I find that approach to be the most useful way of judging people. If you try it for a year, you’ll have a hard time going back to the old hypocritical way of judging people by their mistakes – a standard you would not like applied to you.

    It is entirely sensible to assume that whatever patterns you've observed in people's past actions are more likely to continue than to suddenly stop. I don't propose ignoring clear patterns of behaviour.

    What I do recommend is that we judge the character of others by how they respond to their mistakes, whenever that is practical. And the best response a person can make to a mistake follows this pattern:

    1. Fully acknowledge the mistake and its impact.

    2. Display genuine-looking remorse.

    3. Explain what you plan to do to make amends.

    4. Explain how you plan to avoid similar mistakes.

    If you do those four things, I’m likely to come away from the experience thinking you are better than most people I’ve encountered despite your original mistake. That is a productive way of thinking for both the judger and the judgee, in the sense that society works better if we embrace that standard.

    Judging people by their response to mistakes, as opposed to the mistakes alone, will allow you to feel better about your own mistakes, as long as your response follows the four steps. We humans like to have clear rules of behaviour, and the four steps are clear. Follow the steps and you can feel better about yourself and better about others. It will make the world a kinder and less confusing place.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2020
  13. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
    To Bossgamer, and Adriansop, thank you for believing in me after all that has happened.

    The issue itself is very serious, and although I dislike the reasoning behind Pile bringing it onto my application (she had a problem with me voicing my views and concerns on an account that previously had a racist name, and the account was related to her and other staff), it is still a completely valid thing to bring onto here and to discuss. This is something I will never repeat again, because I'm no longer fifteen years old and ignorant to how serious of an issue this actually is. I wish I knew better back then, but unfortunately I still did what I did.

    I think it's very obvious that I will not repeat this ever again. That was something that had happened once and I'm not planning to do the same thing ever again because I'm no longer a child who will cause these childish, yet serious actions.

    Everything bad that happened, happened in the year of 2017. Why would I cause all those issues all over again? I definitely know better now.

    I'm deeply sorry to everyone and I'm sorry to the man who I did this to, and it will never happen again.

    Just very disappointed that me feeling completely offended by somebody's old racist name warrants for me to be treated this horribly by two individuals even after years of growth and change.

    I don't and will never deny if I've done something wrong, however I cannot respect this method of highlighting issues, because at the end of the day it's due to personal reasoning.
  14. Craney100

    Craney100 Experienced Member

    Aug 12, 2013
    I still fully support Mai. As you may know, I was doxed the other week and although it has upset me and caused me multiple problems in real life, I know the person on the other end won’t have realised that I am a minor, and that they were releasing a child’s information on the internet. Mai’s response to the situation is really open and honest, and in my opinion this shows personal growth.
    Not only this, but Mai is a very supportive person and has offered me help and guidance throughout my short time on the staff team, and she was a great person to work with. She has also kept me positive after hard times and this is why I feel she is a changed person, as much as her past may have been bad.
    It’s the same situation with me, when I was younger I caused drama on the server - but people change and grow and I believe like me, Mai has done the same.

    I’m here with you every step of the way Mai :heart:
  15. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
    I really appreciate this, Craney.
    I'm glad you think of me this way and thank you for being there for me.

    Things have completely changed since three years ago and repeating something like this again has never crossed my mind. I appreciate you acknowledging the fact that I have grown up since then and have learned from my past mistakes.

    Thank you, Craney. ♡
  16. UrsusMaiorus

    UrsusMaiorus Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2019
    no support sorry mai your super nice and while its not fair for you to be judged based of what you did 3 years ago you probably should have told us. What originally lead me to support you was your openness about the duping scandal and this gave me the opinion they if you ever made a mistake you would take responsibility about it. Mayve would have been a good idea to add this. your still super nice

    also this was not mantioned on your app was this one of the childish thing you were banned on forums for becuse that sounds like a bit of an understatement
  17. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
    That's completely valid. If I'm being honest, this whole entire situation disappeared from my mind until it was brought up earlier today. It was so long ago and a lot of things happened back then to the point I mixed a few things up from 2017. If I had remembered exactly what I had done I would have been completely honest about it. All this had happened back in 2017 and I currently would never think of doing something like this again. I did not deny what I did because it's true I did it, however the reason I didn't speak on it was because of how long ago it was and how quick it was too, resulting in me not really recalling much of the details up until today.
  18. UrsusMaiorus

    UrsusMaiorus Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2019
    ok ill neutral you then thats a fair reason :)
  19. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
  20. trinity

    trinity selene Discord Moderator Premium

    Aug 6, 2016
    Resupport. You’re active in chat, and super helpful to everyone, regardless of the issue they may have. You do your best to make sure the person gets the help they need. You’re super friendly, and I can tell you’ve changed from your past. You deserve to be promoted. ❤️
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