The issue with offering too good of a deal

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by RedstoneTrails, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. RedstoneTrails

    RedstoneTrails Moderator Moderator

    Aug 4, 2014
    Over the last year of running shops, I've noticed a strange phenomenon...

    Many times if I sell something too cheap, players will avoid purchasing from the shop, and instead go somewhere more expensive. Most commonly, this happens with my stone shop. I've been selling stone and cobble 2048:1 (32 stacks for 1 grass) for basically as long as I've been on the server. 2048 is a nice number, and stone is infinite so has no real value, so we opted for 2048:1. When I tell people the rate I'm selling at, though, I've now had hundreds of different players say "no thanks, I only need a few stacks". I've also then watched the same players turn away from my 2048:1, and opt to instead go by stone 512:1 or 256:1 from another player.

    This has been probably the most confusing behavior I've seen on the server when it comes to the economy. I've always been the one to get the most possible for my grass (or dollar in real life). Even if I don't need the extra, I'll still purchase whatever the cheapest option is, even if it means I need to make some extra storage for the excess.

    I'm curious to know if there's any psychological studies or economic theories that describe this phenomenon, where a consumer intentionally gets a worse deal just to avoid having the excess. If there are any economist or psychologist here, or anyone willing to dive deeper on Google for me, I would love to know what you find.
  2. Pillow

    Pillow blanky Premium

    May 27, 2019
    Not that it helps with the people buying bad deals - I would be willing to buy 30 stacks of chislled bricks for 1 grass.:)
  3. Lobh

    Lobh Active Member

    Dec 9, 2018
    I guess it can be to do with convenience. Let’s me use an example to explain this.

    Let’s say you want to buy a bottle of water at a supermarket. You see one that costs 1£ and buy it because it’s small and convenient. Yet if you go to the next isle you can find a much larger one for the same price / cheaper.

    People will always buy the smaller option if they are not in particular need of the larger item because of convenience of the current need.

    You will players that’s buy in bulk are more aware of the idea of planning for the future. After than acting on impulse characterised buying.

    Also naturally humans in a modern day society know the price of certain items. This can subconsciously lead them to buying something in the price range of their already preconceived idea of price. An offer that is “to good to be true” usually raises red flags in peoples head even if it does not contain any danger of commitment.

    I hope this helps
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  4. Archie38

    Archie38 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2019
    As lobh said, I commonly buy "expensive" items for a few reasons. 1- to support the people trying hard to make some grass, as i am fortunate enough to be in a good position (or was), and id much rather the grass goes to someone who deserves it because of how hard they try (don't take that to heart, not intended at anyone), and 2- if you are doing a project, and need a stack of stone, there is a good chance that most of stone will never be used by the buyer It is much quicker and easier to just buy a stack for 1g.
  5. Monster_Sparklez

    Monster_Sparklez Yee yee Bubba Premium Premium

    May 27, 2016
    2048:1 is a very good deal although it fills up most of the inventory you have to empty everything except 1 grass it’s quite annoying to have to empty your entire inventory just to get 1 or 2 stacks which many need. Now if I’m working on a huge project and need double chests then sure I’ll empty my inventory and buy how much I need.
    It’s more of a time consuming factor then a better deal (in my opinion)
  6. RedstoneTrails

    RedstoneTrails Moderator Moderator

    Aug 4, 2014
    I'm a problem child I guess haha. When I went to the store to get water, I'd either buy the largest, cheapest water bottle bulk deal, or just buy a gallon+ jug. For on the go, I generally would bring my own refillable water bottle, and either refill with water fountains or those large jugs.

    Though I do understand your logic. My friends and family always joked about me buying everything in bulk :dead
    I also feel that. If someone in chat says "selling spawner for 20 grass", my brain automatically blocks out the message and assumes they're trolling. I would be interested to see if anyone thought there was some kinda catch with my stone lol. I think most people just don't want to go through the inconvenience of inventory space.
    I understand the line of thinking for the second point. But the first point tends to not apply to what I've seen. The players will go buy the stone more expensive at very large popular shops instead of stone specialty store. So in most cases, the person they're buying from worked less and earns more grass than I do.

    Though I guess buying items more expensive from new players could fit somewhere in here. I do that as well, especially with friendly players who mean well, but I don't think that's most situations. Most cases, players leave a shop to go to a bigger shop, not a more obscure shop.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2020

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