The day I learned to take screenshots when trading

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by RedstoneTrails, Dec 30, 2019.

  1. RedstoneTrails

    RedstoneTrails Moderator Moderator

    Aug 4, 2014
    The year was 2014, and I was still a bright optimistic child. I had been playing on Skyblock for a while now, and always enjoyed it. Recently, I had finally been able to afford an upgrade to d10 by paying with diamonds I had spent many months saving up. When I was a no rank, I got scammed all the time. Now that I was finally a donor, though, I thought I would finally start getting some respect from players when making trades.

    I was very mistaken.

    Very shortly within my achieving my donor tier, I tried making a high tier trade with a player named santino10. I no longer remember what they had, or what I was paying, but I do remember they were asking for a lot less than it was normally worth, and only directly messaging players instead of advertising in chat "because they didn't want a rich person getting it". I thought everything seemed chill, so we got a Skybase booth together. He flashed the item in the chest a few times, letting me know it was real. We agreed to place our items in separate corners at the same time, and then grab our respective items. He placed his item in the chest, so I placed mine in the chest. Immediately upon placing my payment, both his item and my payment were removed from the chest, and santino10 teleported himself back home with his item and payment. I was left devasted.

    How could this happen to me? I'm a d10 now, people should respect me, right?

    Everything I thought I knew turned out to be wrong. I thought all players looked up to donors like I did. I always thought so highly of anyone I saw with a donor tier, even if they were just a lowly d10 like I now was. I let the rage build for a bit, but didn't do anything about it. I just called him a scammer once in chat, and then moved on as my complaint was buried in a sea of auctions and spam.

    Shortly after, I saw another player message in chat, calling santino10 a scammer. I messaged them, and they shared a similar story to me. Over the span of a few hours, I watched as santino10 laid a path of destruction, scamming person after person, nobody seeming to care about my warnings I was trying to spam into chat.

    I decided enough was enough, and knew what I had to do. It was time to make my first forums post.

    I didn't read through the forums too much as this point, so I didn't know what exactly a scammer report looked like. I filed my report, feeling very powerful and sure of myself, thinking I had a solid case. There was my written testimony, along with many other players verbal testimonies in the chat logs of santino10's scamming. All the staff team had to do was just check the chat log, see people complaining about santino10, and then they'd ban him and give us all our stuff back.

    Once I felt confident with my report, I posted it. Within moments, someone replied with "Screenies or evidence?". They weren't staff, though, and I didn't know them in-game, so I ignored their seemingly hostile message. Was this person a scammer sympathizer?

    Then, I got the notification I was waiting for. A moderator replied to my report request! I get excited, wondering what kind of punishment this scammer would be getting as I load the thread. When I saw the moderator's reply, though, my heart dropped.

    "48 hours to provide some sort of proof."

    Proof? Really? There were so many people in chat who corroborated my story. What more proof do you need? I angrily went to chat and asked what proof I was supposed to have. A player condescendingly told me that I should take screenshots of all agreed upon trades, and record the process of chest trading to make sure you have solid evidence.

    That's ridiculous!

    This whole server is crazy!

    People just accept that they need to go to these great lengths just to trade with players? Is there no trust among even donors here? I got highly upset, and turned off my computer. I didn't get back on the server for a bit after that. Upon receiving the "24 hours" reply to my post, I gave up, and told the moderator that I was "over it".

    Nothing ever happened to santino10, to my knowledge. He probably kept on scamming until he thought he had enough, or inevitably found someone who recorded him scamming. To this day, I now get a screenshot of the person confirming the trade details in chat, and in extreme cases, pull out the recording software to make sure everything is completely documented and fine.

    My report thread:

    This scamming incident was also the inspiration for my moderator application, but we'll save that story for another time.
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  2. Archie38

    Archie38 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2019
    This was a great read. We need more of uncle redstones stories.
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  3. Eddie

    Eddie Active Member

    Oct 30, 2016
    This story saddens me. It's pretty weird to me that people do this kind of stuff, without a thought in their head of being caught and punished. I would be the easiest target since I never take screenshots or have any recording apps on the go. I guess all these years I've just been really lucky to trade with honest people.
  4. RedstoneTrails

    RedstoneTrails Moderator Moderator

    Aug 4, 2014
    Trade shops have made things a lot more fair, and have helped avoid scamming issues. For the most part nowadays, it seems like people only do drop trades if it's with someone they trust. I do most of my sketchy trades with hidden trade chests
  5. Pillow

    Pillow blanky Premium

    May 27, 2019
    Something similar happened to me but it was inter-server and via dropping but I knew how to take screenshots but I needed to record it. The player was Bloocanary and I was scammed out of 90 grass.....

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