"The new server is bad"

Discussion in 'Discussions Archive' started by Krissy, Feb 11, 2018.

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  1. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    I've heard this comment over and over. I'm sure everyone has their opinions and that is perfectly fine. But I have a little reminder that I think you forget to consider.

    - The server is a week old. A new game release is often filled with little bugs and fixing bugs can introduce more bugs that need to be resolved and it isn't easy to fix completely. A server with bugs isn't a bad server, it just means it needs work and the admins and devs are working hard to resolve these and staff are trying to help keep people informed.

    - Which leads me into my next point is staff are not bad for not knowing the answers to your questions. A lot of the changes will happen and staff are not going to know every one of them. So understand that even though we want things done and fixed up and want to know everything like the whens, the whys etc... we need to not be hard on the staff when they don't know.

    - Balancing. I cannot stress this enough. Making the server fair for all is important. When items start flowing into the server at a rate beyond what was expected and it is impacting game play then things will be tweaked and removed. Instead of criticizing the server, remember that in order to keep new players on the server, things cannot be so overpowered. I'm sure if there are suggestions to make things fair and balanced then they can be made.

    In short, the new server isn't "bad". There are things that need to be improved and there are bugs and annoyances. Before saying the server sucks, think about the work that is going in to make the server better for everyone, think about how new the server is and simply remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. Even though its been months in the making this is the first week of actual play time. So please be kind and give the server a chance before dismissing it.
  2. MikaMelody

    MikaMelody Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2013
    Remove Rares to have a balanced skyblock
  3. Fastrayman786

    Fastrayman786 Member

    Feb 1, 2018
    Sorry, but in my opinion I think the new server is very boring. This is my opinion. I believe this server came out to early because it does have a lot of issues still. Even though the server is okay, I still believe it isn't the best possible server which could have been made. I think that there isn't enough good, unique features as you can find many of them on other servers too. In addition, this classic server is much more fun and exciting and at times more people play classic but it is to consider that classic is very unique from other servers. In my opinion, the classic server is much more fun than the new one. When I play the new server I get bored really easily whereas, the old one had more to do. I do understand it is new and things like skin competitions, trade shops, games and more will take time to be build however, I still don't believe this is why I find it boring. Also, moderators are too much. What I mean by this is that, moderators keep banning, warning and being a bit bossy. I do realise this is there job and they help to make the place much better but still they ruin the whole experience and moderators don't do the best job sometimes (not all) In conclusion, I believe that the old server was better and that the new server needs more unique features and some more time to improve. Touching on MikaMelody's point that people are becoming over powered and some people have 100+ diamonds too. Rares are making skyblock unbalanced. Before I go, adding to my moderators bit, what I mean is that I wrote something in the chat that is not bad to say or not illegal chat feature but because the moderator found it annoying , she asked me to stop. It shouldn't be that moderators do things like this. Thank You for reading my response to krissy
  4. alohacc99

    alohacc99 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2014
    Some people play to trade rares, some people play to build. I don't see how people becoming "over powered" will result in an unbalanced skyblock. Personally, I love trading and I don't find myself being affected in any way when I see people having 100+ diamonds.

    Trading rares are a big part of Skyblock for some people. Maybe u can enlighten me what do u guys mean by a "balanced skyblock" . The economy is never balanced lol. Naturally, people who work harder will be richer (or crafty-er)

    After all, they removed the way to grind iron, gold, emeralds. I guess u can say that the economy is going to stabilize soon?
  5. Taki

    Taki Active Member

    Jun 9, 2017
    I think there were/are many major problems in the release of a "new" skyblock:

    1) "Fresh Skyblock" - This post was made on July 4th 2017, 215 days later the server was released. Before the release I think the server was averaging at 150 people online at its peak times, after the announcement many people quit, probably thinking it would be a month at most before it will be released. This killed the player base of skyblock in general.

    Yes they wanted to make it "perfect" and "bug free" before they released it but wouldn't you release it when you know its nearly or basically ready to release rather then in the midst of development?

    I'm pretty sure no1 has been given elytra wings

    the "new features", nearly nothing has changed from the old sky block they added custom starter islands which, with the resources anyone could make, they added changing biomes, which biomes used to be something actually valued such as swamp.
    3) I think they changed something from a passive server trying to turn it competitive which I don't think skyblock is about

    This is all my opinion however and I THINK that it was overhyped and the release and everything was unorganized
  6. GAMER1232012

    GAMER1232012 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2014
    Trading rares was a big part of skyblock, and still is on the classic server. On the new server, it does not have as big a role in the economy thus far.

    I wholeheartedly disagree with your statement that 'people who work harder will be richer(or crafty-er). There exists no viable situation where a greenie who is on for the same amount of time as a high level donor can ever surpass him in wealth. This is part of the reason why donor kits and perks were nerfed.
  7. Eleanora

    Eleanora Experienced Member

    Jan 9, 2016
    I personally think the server has been created for the hype so people start playing again cause as we now the server died during the winter with barely 30 players (aka the addicted 20 and 10 greenies) or for the people who quit because the old server was boring for them to hype them to a "new beginning" which CLEARLY didnt work.
    The only difference is that there are different rank colors and hoppers are enabled. Instead of making a brand new server to add hardcore mode or hoppers they couldve just added them to the old one which wouldve made more sense. What people are trying to say with this
    is that its just a disappointment for alot of us.
    *edit and the people who were banned previously didnt get unbanned so Im struggling to understand what they mean by a new start
  8. catsettos

    catsettos Member

    Oct 12, 2017
    I completely agree! When I first joined I thought, ok, there should be no kits and everyone should have one spawner. That way everything anyone has is obtainable by anyone. But the groups of rich donors have already formed and it's exhausting.
  9. little_drummer

    little_drummer Active Member

    Oct 17, 2012
    The only time skyblock was "balanced" was wayyyy back in the day when the highest donation level was $100 donor. No inflation on anything and the barter system was actually pretty good to the new people that would join.
  10. KeemstarVEVO

    KeemstarVEVO Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    The only thing I dislike in the new server is that the island is deleted. I find nothing else to complain about. It is a great server, and the mad rare collectors should just wait. Some have already shown up, I have seen people selling creeper heads on chat. Rares are coming back.
  11. amli

    amli Active Member

    May 22, 2016
    Well said
  12. Blyx

    Blyx Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2014
    Personally, I am preferring the new server to classic. I've enjoyed the fresh start where it can be aggravating at times that I can't just go to my grass chest and buy whatever new material I need for my island.. I have to wait, or earn the grass to expand.

    Whilst I agree that rares have already begun to be traded, that is something which is found on most economically based servers - be it "god" armour or a head, it is still in high demand and considered a rare. It's no more competitive than classic was, and at the moment less so.

    It would also be a little boring for everyone if everything worked perfectly to begin with, otherwise there wouldn't be room for community participation through suggestions (Talking about minor bugs here).

    All in all, the new server is providing people with fun, be it 20 or 30 people, they're still players which the server can be considered a success by.
  13. Gamzee24

    Gamzee24 Loner Premium

    Feb 23, 2015
    They released the server too early is all I’m saying. And I already found a glitch in mob arena (not during battles) which I will not be posting to the public.
  14. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    I think they released the server without public player testing which would have probably shown a lot of the trends they didn’t expect and save all the nerfs they needed.
  15. Fastrayman786

    Fastrayman786 Member

    Feb 1, 2018
    I believe this too
  16. 52Phenomenon

    52Phenomenon Super Moderator Super Moderator Events Manager

    Mar 18, 2017
    I am liking the fresh start, it's not easy to buy whatever I want now, I have to earn it and progress slowly. There are bugs and things, of course that's going to happen on a new server and that's where we come in as players, we help discover the bugs which can then be fixed.
  17. Zaila

    Zaila Member

    Feb 4, 2018
    I would Certainly agree! Make a few upgrades to the new server and maybe just maybe one or two upgrades to the old sever! Their practically the same but with a few twists and changes!!!!
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