Inactive Pete hates potty talk

Discussion in 'Withdrawn/Inactive Applications' started by badpeteno, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. badpeteno

    badpeteno Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
    • Your in-game and discord tag:
      • BadPeteNo
      • BadPeteNo#7281
    • What time zone are you in?
      • EST
    • Can you speak any additional languages?
      • I have and will google translate if that's what it takes
    • Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?
      • Multiple methods of screen capture from mspaint and screen2gif, to snaggit, camtasia, and zoom
    • How long can you be active on our platforms everyday?
      • ask my family and job, usually a few hours 5 days a week
      • I have a 7 year history of quitting for a few months and being way too active for a few months
    • When did you first join Skyblock?
      • circa 2013?
        • I created the first successful profit farm on the server with the idea of "how can I be lazy and help the community?"
        • I accidentally broke iron prices for my first of 3 times
    • Have you ever been banned on any platform?
      • I think I got banned for 3 hours in my first week 7 years ago for questioning a mods authority while they publicly insulted a greenbean (Lucario and I became friends after that)
      • I was forum banned by CypriotMerks for half a decade for saying he was bad at his job. History says I was right and I was unbanned within 24 hours of filing an appeal earlier this year
    • Do you have any past moderation experience?
      • I lead a team of 6 admins and content creators on the dragon city wiki for the better part of a year long before I learned anything about project management
        • My handle there is the same, BadPeteNo
          • I can provide the link but deliberately didn't because I assume you don't want links in applications
        • Under my reign, we accomplished the following:
          • established a standard for content submission
          • opened relations with the dev team for the game
          • moderated a forum in multiple languages
            • including recruiting bilingual active users to support it
          • sourced our own volunteer devs to build structured pages for the wiki that automatically scraped images for new content and kept them private until officially released
      • By day, I am a professional consultant with 6 years of experience working on or running software implementation projects for fortune 400 companies
        • #OverQualified
      • I have a daughter and a cranky wife so yes... I understand how to negotiate conflicts
        • #ConcernedCitizen
    • Why do you think you should become a staff member?
      • I only want the ability to moderate chat when I am online. I want an end to racist chat. I want an end to NSFW chat. I want an end to predators enjoying the time it takes a mod to notice to say all manner of inappropriate things to players who consistently identify as --- and are most likely --- children.
        ----seriously, I just want chat mod to protect kids like my own daughter---
    • Do you meet the requirements for staff?
      • You tell me.
    • Neutral Neutral x 9
    • Support Support x 4
    • No Support No Support x 1
  2. UrsusMaiorus

    UrsusMaiorus Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2019
    Um yes this is the person who inspired me to apply for staff also has more reports then and one ever. 100% full suport No Notes
  3. boba

    boba modern manifesto Premium

    Dec 26, 2019
    Hi Pete, you are very helpful and kind and generous but I’m going to go neutral. Sometimes you can be a bit rude to rule breakers and that’s definitely not how a staff should come to someone or anyone at all. You’re not seriously rude but sometimes what you say can be a tiny bit rude and I’ve seen it a few times when I’ve been online and whenever you report players on discord and send screenshots of the rule breaking. If you’d minimize that, definitely a support. You’re active but not entirely active on Discord, in general or in conversations. You mainly are active on the help channels though and that’s amazing of you. I’d love to see you as a staff but just minimize the sarcasm and tiny rudeness that sometimes comes out of you and I’d definitely support you.

    Also, I’d recommend improving your Forums activity a bit and would’ve recommended waiting till 150-200 posts on Forums. :heart:

    - Boba
  4. badpeteno

    badpeteno Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
    That's fair feedback. I do get cranky and should dial it back.
  5. Justin

    Justin - Premium Premium

    Jan 20, 2020
    Hey, Pete! So glad to see you applying, I will start out with neutral for the same reason Boba has stated. As a staff member you need to be very friendly and welcoming, as well as enforcing rules. I think you might be a tad bit too serious at times.

    To add on, you only have 96 messages on forums. I would like to see you more active here, chatting with the community. This goes for discord as well. I see you in-game and in discord help sections frequently, but I think you should interact with the community outside of that a bit more. Good luck.
  6. PCcoolguy100

    PCcoolguy100 Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2015
    I can't place a status at the moment (mainly because I don't hop on economy enough to know every single active player there) so I'll just go off what you're application says and states.

    Your formatting is... unique, never really seen a staff application that has been formatted like this before, but I like it - it gets straight to the point.

    This is great to know but isn't really needed, at least underneath that point (like your style though). Hashtags are not cool anymore.

    There is a number of former staff that were like this, and there is a reason why the former is bolded. As much as I like that you've admitted this, it isn't a quality that we, the playerbase, want our staff to have.

    This is small, but remove the question mark. You're answering questions.

    As much as I agree with what you've posted here, I also feel like it isn't enough. For this point, majority of applicants tend to fill half their application with this point. Also write this more oriented towards the players of the server and not just yourself - the "I want" doesn't really fit with the style of applications. Yes we know you want a staff position, but why should we want it?

    How about take the points you've written here and expand on it? I'm not going to write your app for you, but something like:
    The ability to moderate chat.
    I feel like I should be able to do this because... and I feel this way because...

    The end to racist chat.
    I feel like all racism should not be allowed because (I mean this is obvious but still)... and I feel this way because...

    (that touch with including your family is a great closer).

    A yes will do.

    I feel like there's not enough to go off as well, and I feel like you haven't really put a lot of effort into writing this. Not that you should treat it as such, after all, it is a Mod position for a server on a block game, but it should really be treated as writing a small application for a job, but a bit more relaxed and fancified.

    From your discord activity, you seem to report in-game offences on Discord a lot, and a lot seem to be related to chat offences. You do need to realise not all offences are related to chat - things like griefing, island farming, looting and flyhacking are some of the more common offences under the lower ranks due to newer players being unfamilliar with the rules and being very gullible.

    Also relax a bit. This may not be said for all people, but at least for me, I don't like staff members that are too strict & pissy about relatively small things.

    TL;DR - Improve formatting a little bit, expand on some of the things you've stated, remove a few things that are not needed in a staff app.

    Good luck, Pete :p
  7. Marcy

    Marcy Apostlé of Falcons Premium

    Mar 30, 2018
    Mark is going with Neutral, nice to see a grown person applying but can you please organize your staff application more and communicate more on the forums as being active there?
  8. otter360

    otter360 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2019
    BadPeteNo is an extremely active player who is willing to help out in chat and has farms dedicated to starting newbies off. He has also assisted in reporting offences in game via discord and is dedicated to reducing lag on /economy by making more efficient, less resource intensive farms. As for activity on forums and discord I believe Pete is more a helpful player then a sociable one, and one that helps then and there, rather than through alternative means of communication such as Forums and Discord. He meets the 50 post count requirement on forums and has achieved the member rank on discord. Perhaps you are a little strong when it comes to addressing rule breakers and trolls but you also have a sense of humor (you took my curse of binding pumpkin very well).

    Only feedback I could give is maybe be a little more active on /skyblock seeing as being a staff member applies to all servers, not just /economy and to maybe spruce your application up a little to make it easier to read.

    Support :)
  9. Splat1221

    Splat1221 Active Member

    Jun 23, 2018
    I think I see you a bit online.
    1 what’s the title about
    2 you’ve almost got 100 most count, I recommend trying to get a bit more.
  10. Pancake

    Pancake syrup x Moderator Premium

    Aug 21, 2016
    I'll be going with neutral
    Pete, I cannot comment on your activity extensively but I am often welcomed by your name on economy, whenever I log in. This also means I cannot judge your in-game assistance. However, I have noticed you often reporting players on the discord. The main reason I will be going neutral first perfectly as boba said, I have noticed that you can be quite cranky/aggressive sometimes. As a staff member, it is important that you are welcoming and player's feel like they can trust you and talk to you.

    I'd like to see you work on your cross-server activity as well, I rarely if not never see you online on /skyblock and as a staff member it is also important that you have a wide spread knowledge of all servers and are able to provide assistance on them. I also suggest that you try be a bit less confronting and try be a more approachable person.

    As splat has pointed out here, I'm also a bit unsure about the title, it's best to include your full IGN and try make your title include something about an application too. As well as that, your forums activity is quite low and I suggest trying to be a bit more active on the forums. Introduce yourself a bit more and get used to it more!

    I've gone with neutral as I am not swaying either way, it gives me the ability to return to this application and make a more informed decision when I see that you have tried to improve in places where suggested. Best of luck with your application!
  11. Pillow

    Pillow blanky Premium

    May 27, 2019
    Yes you're helpful etc which is great. But your discord activity (just talking sort of activity) could be better, and the title of this application...
  12. Splat1221

    Splat1221 Active Member

    Jun 23, 2018
    Also what’s that

    And not to be rude but the application seems a bit short and looks like you didn’t spend much time on it. (Not saying you have to)
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2020
  13. badpeteno

    badpeteno Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
    I very much appreciate all the feedback. I'm questioning if this is really even something I want to pursue as I don't really want to be a mod, I just want the power to mute hate speech and NSFW content.

    I spent about 20 minutes on my application. For formatting, I just did in-line replies as it seemed to best way to bucket what I wanted to say into the buckets of information requested. I'm going to leave it as-is because it's "barely good enough" format is well aligned to my current view of my own reasons for applying.

    While I'm 100% against island farming, I don't really fancy the idea of hunting them down, running block logs, documenting my findings, etc. See also cleaning up after eggings. That sounds a whole lot like work :)

    My lack of forum activity is largely due to a multi-year forum ban recently being overturned because it was never justified in the first place. I've been moderately active in the suggestions area and meet the requirements specified in the help doc on applying.

    I agree I should be less cranky in game. I'll work on that regardless. I've been trying to learn to /ignore instead of engaging, but I still have a very low threshold for getting annoyed (note, if I had the power to mute, I would not use it on people that simply annoyed me and were not actually violating any chat protocols).

    Is there such a position as a chat mod only? Ideally that's what I'm looking to do. I totally understand if that's not a thing.

    Again, I'm applying for one reason only: reduce the amount of time bit takes to silence someone saying things that should never be said in front of children. I have seen some extreme cases targeted directly at children and felt helpless to do anything about it except wait for a mod. For my entire life, I've been the first one to stand up and try to do something when a proper authority couldn't be there to do something about it.

    My choice to apply was based on feedback from several community members, current mods (recently), and former mods (over the years I've played). I've always dismissed it as more work than I want to do.

    The final catalyst to apply was a troll yesterday saying very inappropriate things to a child. A mod did resolve the issue within 30 minutes or less, but I was there watching and could do nothing but log a report and post to discord. I wanted to be able to do more.

    I'm probably not mod material as I don't want the whole job, I just want to be a chat mod.

    I didn't spend much time on it, that's not listed in the requirements :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2020
  14. Dinglesplat

    Dinglesplat Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
    I feel like you would be the perfect chat mod. If there was a chat mod position, then 100%. You are active in chat and as you said, you specifically said you want to moderate chat, not the whole game. Which is fair. But there isn't just a chat mod position, or at least, yet.

    @ Noobcrew make a new rank called chat mod and give it to him
  15. Devannn_

    Devannn_ Beyoncé Moderator

    Jul 6, 2016
    Application closed due to the applicant being inactive.
    If you would like to reopen your thread, please report this post within the next 90 days, otherwise you will have to create a new application if you wish to be considered.
    This thread has been moved to Withdrawn/Inactive Applications.
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