Denied [President_Hamlap] Griefing [Lycel][Denied]

Discussion in 'Appeals Archive' started by President_Hamlap, Oct 16, 2018.

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  1. President_Hamlap

    President_Hamlap Member

    Dec 15, 2016

    I just logged in and found out I was banned from your server, now I would like to know why. It says Griefing but I would like to know where. Because if it's about Glowdancing's Island I would like to defend. The real owners of that Island (TokyoGrough1000 & Its_vik) have allowed MetteMarit and me to build a storage, an entrance and more, we were not griefing we were building up. Now I don't know if MetteMarit is banned too, but if so we would like to get unbanned because if Glowdancing was the one who told you we were griefing it's just because he didn't like us, and Tokyo and Vik did.

    Greeting, President_Hamlap & MetteMarit
  2. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013

    Complete this form (copy & paste it) to your appeal post. Please be sure to post your ban appeal in the correct section.
    If you lie or don't follow this form, your appeal will not be considered.

    In the title write: [Your in game name] Reason for ban [The Person who banned you]

    1. Server/platform (Classic / Skyblock / Forums / Discord ):
    2. Your username on the platform in question:
    3. Full exact Ban Message:
    4. Did you read the rules ?
    5. Why do YOU think you were banned?
    6. Was this an incorrect ban?
    7. Were you ever banned before on Skyblock? If so, what for?
    8. Why do you think you should be unbanned?
  3. President_Hamlap

    President_Hamlap Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    1. [President_Hamlap & MetteMarit] Griefing [Lycel] Skyblock.
    2. President_Hamlap & MetteMarit.
    3. Griefing and Looting.
    4. Yes we did.
    5. We think we're banned because of a misunderstanding.
    6. Yes it definitely was an incorrect ban
    7. Yes once, about a year ago. I'm not sure why though, but that ban was deleted for both of us because it wasn't justly.
    8. I think we should be unbanned because we are good friends with the owner who we 'griefed' but another friend of the owner said we stole their stuff. Point is that we had permission to build for Its_Vik and use each other's stuff if we really needed it.
  4. laini

    laini Ma'am Premium

    Aug 5, 2015
    Lycel, this is yours. :)
  5. President_Hamlap

    President_Hamlap Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    oh btw :D just to make it clear I'm asking this for me (President_Hamlap) and MetteMarit :)
  6. laini

    laini Ma'am Premium

    Aug 5, 2015
    MetteMarit will have to appeal on their own.
  7. President_Hamlap

    President_Hamlap Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    oh is that necessary because MetteMarit doesn't speak english… I really hope I can do it for both of us.
  8. Lycel

    Lycel Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    Thank you Laini!

    Unfortunately it's not possible for you to appeal for anyone but yourself.
    Thank you for appealing, Hamlap! Firstly I'd like to address the claim that the people you griefed wanted you to do so. There are very few situations where taking all of a player's chests and using the resources, storing them alongside your own on your island, and using them to build your own island is not grief. 10 hours had passed since you had taken their chests, with no sign of returning them. The players in question, which was not only Glowdancer but also the other coop members, were extremely releived to get their items back and most definitely did not seem to be okay with you taking their chests. You have reportedly been seen being rude in chat and asking players to trust you.

    This doesn't align with the sequence of events you described. Care to explain a bit more?
  9. President_Hamlap

    President_Hamlap Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Well, I would love to clarify actually. First of all 60% of all the stuff which was in the chests of Glowdancer and the other coops we gave to them. And we had items enough so we weren't there to grief + the items in our chest were there way before we got trusted. Also you said I had asked lots of people to trust me... Well correct me if I'm wrong but there were only 2. If I was on the server to grief everyone I wouldn't have bought a rank and I would've asked more than 2 people to trust me, same goes for MetteMarit. I can see the point of Glowdancer, but why would we build a storage to break it down again and if you ask Its_Vik (another coop on that Island) he can tell you that the only thing MetteMarit and I did, was placing cobblestone. They probably didn't tell you but all of that cobblestone and wool on their Island we placed. I'm sorry if it came over the wrorng way to you and to GlowDancing. But if we really were there to grief him we had multiple chances to take all of the grass but we didn't.

    Thank you for reading,
    President_Hamlap & MetteMarit

    Also when MetteMarit writes her appeal, can she just copy this and will it be all good?
  10. President_Hamlap

    President_Hamlap Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    I really want to ask some other question, you said they were happy to get their stuff back... Which stuff did you give 'back', I would love to know. And you said people are saying I have been very rude… Who and what did I say? I have never been rude in the chat. Just wanted to clarify

    Please respond
  11. Lycel

    Lycel Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    I have given back items that were taken from chests or broken and not given back according to server logs. Another island, a player named Kayleann, has also shown me that you have griefed her. As I said, you were reportedly seen asking players to trust you and being rude--I didn't see this in chat myself, nor do I have screenshots, but I trust the person who told me it happened. If it comes down to it, and I can ask the managers to look through the chat logs to double check. Chat offences aren't why you're banned, however--you're banned for griefing several players.

    I don't understand how you could have given items back or planned to build on those islands when they were randomly and recklessly destroyed (more than you should need to do for a simple storage reconstruction), and both parties lost huge numbers of items and blocks, and you couldn't manage to build any of the supposed structure in 10 hours, nor come to an understanding with the players who were concerned by your actions. Please understand that the honest and complete truth is the only thing that might get your ban reduced.

    We can cross the bridge of MetteMarit's ban appeal when we come to it.
  12. President_Hamlap

    President_Hamlap Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    alright, I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda offended that people are saying I'm rude in the chat or that I'm trying to grief everyone. We have been very very polite and sweet and there have to be lots of people who can tell that. Of course sometimes people are a real pain and we can get a little upset but we never call someone names or some sort like that. we are friendly, polite and helpful in the chat and as I said only 2 people have trusted us, now I get why it looks like we griefed Glowdancer but I explained that that was a total misunderstanding, we build a nether wart farm, a huge cobblestone platform and a storage and you said they said we stole all of their stuff, truth is we didn't even put chests in the storage so we couldn't even get their stuff... They put 2 chests in it with a private sign for grass and I do not want to come over rude but Glowdancer could've said any items that we 'stole' without proof bc we didn't steal anything, I mean maybe some stacks cobble but that is worthless. Now Kayleann has trusted me and MetteMarit from out of nowhere, she visited our Island about 4 days ago and she trusted us so we can help her build. So we built some buildings for her like the casino in the corner and a shop. Other then that we haven't been on her Island and I know that there were about 10-15 people trusted on her Island because she put that on a sign, so it could've been anyone and we didn't do it.

    So about our griefing:
    Glowdancer: It wasn't our intension at all, I mean it took a whole day to build all of that, I'm not giving up an entire day for some stacks cobble and also on that Island were lots of people trusted
    Kayleann: It could've been anybody. If you ask her if we have built anything on her Island she might lie of course but in the corner you see a casino which we built in the sky you see a shop we have built, and it's quite annoying us that we have put so much time in this and get this as payment.

    And about destroying Island... I'm not gonna lie when we came to Kayleann's Island it was a complete mess. The platform was not done, the shop had around 5 chests etc. so we weren't the one who made a mess, it was her or some other trusted player bc she trusts anyone.
    And correct me if I'm wrong but Glowdancer's Island wasn't a mess was it? We personally think we build quite a nice storage (which wasn't a reconstruction bc when we came there the only thing which excists was some wood around the spawn and a little cobblestone platform, their chests were all around the Island *LOCKED*) and entrance.

    I mean if they really want their cobblestone and some other basic blocks back I'm totally OK with that, we just took some blocks which we thought they wouldn't want back... Maybe that's our fault so we're sorry for that. But just to be clear none of us have taken grass or diamond or beacons etc.

    We really hope that you believe us and give us a chance to prove you that this is a misunderstanding.
    Because if we were really guilty, we wouldn't have written this many messages because you can trust us we are mature enough to tell you if we were wrong.

    Greetings President_Hamlap & MetteMarit
  13. Lycel

    Lycel Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    I just... still don't understand. You honestly sound sincere, but what you're saying makes no sense. You say you only took a small amount of stuff, but it looks like pages and pages and pages of logs of you taking stuff including fairly valuable stuff, and no logs of you ever giving it back.
    2018-10-16_17.40.18.png 2018-10-16_17.40.29.png 2018-10-16_17.40.39.png 2018-10-16_17.40.32.png 2018-10-16_17.40.35.png
    There are about 30 pages of that, but you get the idea. Same picture when it came to Kayleann's island. I don't think any number of buildings costs that many items, and certainly didn't entitle you to pay yourself 108 grass blocks without asking.
  14. President_Hamlap

    President_Hamlap Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    We totally get what you are thinking... But it's very logical if you think that we had to move all of the items from the spreaded chests to the storage, so of course we took it once but 98% we put back
    But about the 108 grass I really want to say something… Because there was a private sign on it and we only gave it to them I couldn't get in the chest… At first the grass was in one random chest, I took it out - gave it to Its_Vik I believe and he put it in a locked chest.

    And for Kayleann we build the entire store. So of course we had to pick up some stuff
  15. Lycel

    Lycel Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    There are no logs of that happening. Not only are there no logs of you ever returning the items, but there are no logs of anyone, cooped or otherwise, putting 108 grass back in a chest. Unless they were moving it to a different island, it didn't happen. Specific/unique items, such as coloured shulker boxes on Kayleann's island, were not only taken from their island but actually placed on yours.
  16. President_Hamlap

    President_Hamlap Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    I'm going to be totally honest about that, these 2 things are the only things we stole and we are not proud of that and we're sorry.

    But we are absolutely honest about the grass and 'bout the other items, we didn't take them. I don't know how to convince you, but we really really didn't take those items home. We have grass enough and the only thing we like doing is playing Skyblock, Friday evening we will come together and we want to play Skyblock so bad. I mean we are bored for 3 days straight. You can trust us that we would rather play Skyblock tomorrow than getting banned and have 108 grass.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2018
  17. President_Hamlap

    President_Hamlap Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    We just really hope we can get unbanned (For your time) before 03:00 PM so we can have a nice day tomorrow, so we hope everything is clear now and both parties are happy :)
  18. President_Hamlap

    President_Hamlap Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    I'm sorry if we're saying too much… But we're just want it clear that we're really sorry about the shulker boxes, and it will never happen again... But we wanna play Skyblock so bad tomorrow, that we are willing to donate 110 grass even though we didn't steal it. Hope this is enough to unban both of us because 110 grass is a lot for us.
  19. Lycel

    Lycel Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    Look, that's just not true.
    You took the grass from their chest, and moved it to your own island, as seen by the times and coordinates. There are no two ways about it.

    I've given you ample opportunity to be honest, and you've failed to admit to anything until I give you no other choice. You're going to have to wait out your ban. I'm sorry that you can't play this Friday, but I hope to see you both back once your tempbans expire.
  20. Lycel

    Lycel Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2014
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