SB List of Item Prices By BertBerry So this is the list of the current prices of items mainly valuables and rares since the last Skyblock Prices Thread is kind of outdated. If the prices are changing or are incorrect please feel free to inform me to edit it out! Thanks! ---
More will be Added soon! If there are any items you would like me to add or any prices that are wrong please inform me! And if you are looking for a shop Click here for a list of shops you might want to visit! Thank you!
Can you get diorite, andecite, and granite from mob arena or something? The only way I knew of getting one was that two andesite spawn in an extended skyblock island
Thank you Bertberry=D I do sell the flowers you say 8-16 per grass For 32 per grass due. But i am maybe just cheaper than avrage=p allium tulips and those
Well I asked Laini, I am not sure of the info so I wrote down if you know the exact price I would appreciate if anyone would tell me. I believe you can craft them from Nether quartz and stone / cobblestone. No problem : D
I have a guardian spawner, It's worth 1,000+ diamonds. The Item price of the guardian egg is wrong. (almost every price too) (I get it, stop giving me bad spelling/optimistic ratings.)
You haven’t included silk touch books (unless I’m clearly blind which is highly possible) which go for around 8-12 grass
1-5 iron ingots = 1 grass??? If you find me a shop which sells 5:1 iron ingots, I will love you forever
Yea I was planning on adding it but decided it to add it tomorrow (aka today) so I'll edit it in a bit pls merge my posts if u can lol
Added silk touch book price, and added potions/brewing items, redstone items, tools, armor and a few more stuff to the rares section. : D
I had to remove my tradechest for independence pickaxes that i had for 32dias a while ago cous it sold to good for that price and dident whana run out of stock. So yes 32dias and upp