EUR 52Phenomenon's Moderator Application

Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by 52Phenomenon, Apr 24, 2017.

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  1. 52Phenomenon

    52Phenomenon Super Moderator Super Moderator Events Manager

    Mar 18, 2017
    Cool Text mod app V2.png Hello everyone! My name is 52Phenomenon and I'm applying for moderator on Thank you all so much for clicking on my application, I hope you enjoy it. I look forward to receiving your feedback and using it to improve myself.

    ✮ Your in-game name: ✮
    My in game name is 52Phenomenon and I don't plan on changing it. My nickname is also simply 52Phenomenon.

    ✮ What time zone are you in? ✮
    I am currently in the BST time zone. (British Standard Time)
    This time zone is 1 hour ahead of the UTC time zone. (Coordinated Universal Time)

    ✮ What country do you live in? ✮

    I live in England, in the United Kingdom.

    ✮ What languages do you speak? ✮
    Currently, I can speak my mother language and I am quite fluent in Spanish.

    ✱ English - English is my mother language, the language I have spoken my entire life. Of course, I am therefore extremely fluent at speaking English. I can successfully communicate with all the server's English speaking players.

    ✱ Spanish - Since a young age, I have been learning Spanish. It is part of the school curriculum, but I chose it optionally at GCSE level and have become fluent in the language over the years of learning it. I enjoy speaking and writing in Spanish, and I am also fascinated by the country's culture. I am confident that I can hold a conversation and assist the server's Spanish speaking players.

    ✮ Language Examples: ✮
    Hello, my name is 52Phenomenon and I play a server called! I speak English.
    Hola, me llamo 52Phenomenon. Buenos dias! Juego un servido llamo! Hablo Espanol!
    ✮ Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No ✮
    Yes, I do have two-factor authentication enabled. I have included a screenshot of this below:

    ✮ Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) ✮

    Yes, I've listed these below:

    ✱ In game screenshots: I can take a screenshot in game using the F2 method - can be used to catch chat offences.

    ✱ Gyazo: I have 'Gyazo', - a software I can use to upload and share screenshots for reports etc.

    ✱ Bandicam: I also have the screen recorder Bandicam - which I can use to record trades and scams.

    ✮ Why do you think you should become a mod? ✮

    There are so many reasons why I would love to be part of the amazing staff team here at My main principle behind applying for the position is to assist the server and help the server's community. I want to ensure that everyone here can enjoy a safe, fun and friendly environment, whilst also ensuring that if they should need help that they can get it as soon as possible. Helping people and doing the right thing, and helping people do the right thing, has always been in my nature, and I am always there to assist anyone. Below, I have listed some of my traits which I believe are key:

    ✮ Honesty ✮
    I am an extremely honest person. Most people I know could tell you I am an awful liar, but I think this is a great thing. I will always tell you the truth and stand up for the right thing. I hate liars and will not tolerate them. Being truthful is an extremely important quality for any moderator applicant to possess.

    ✮ We need more UK moderators ✮, in my opinion, hugely lacks moderators from the United Kingdom. When I am online, people are always in need of a moderator and as a player, it is so frustrating seeing another player in need of a moderator and there is none online. Not only does this put a bad image of the server in any new player's minds, but it also breaks my heart when I see a player saying 'Are there any moderators online? Please, I need a mod!' I always do my best to help them, but sometimes only moderators can help.

    ✮ Approachable, Kind and Friendly ✮
    I am an extremely friendly person and I love to help players out. It is easy to approach me and I am always kind towards players. I am always looking to help out if they ask me, and I take pride in my attitude towards helping people in need. I believe these three qualities are absolutely pivotal for any moderator or moderator applicant.

    ✮ Hardworking and Dedicated ✮
    I love to work hard for something and I understand that nothing in this world is easy to get or free. I am always prepared to get stuck in and work for something. If I set my eyes on something, I won't stop trying until I get it. I set my goals high, and never stop working to achieve them. I know that if you work hard for something and give it your absolute everything, you can achieve it. I think moderators or moderator applicants benefit from this quality hugely, as moderating a server is no easy task, and this position requires dedication and motivation.

    ✮ Active ✮
    I am an extremely active player and I have become friends with many people here on I love the community and this game and that is why I am on every day for hours on end. I am online every single day of the week. I also pride myself on my forums activity: whilst playing in game I am always checking forums. Also, if there is a time I cannot be online, I always check forums on the go via my phone. You can learn more about my in game activity by taking a look at the 'How long can you be active on the server every day?' section of this application. I know that being so active on the server and its forums helps me get to know the community better and help so many more people.

    ✮ Positive Attitude ✮
    My outlook on life is always positive. Never worry because, in the end, everything will be alright. If something seems tough, that never puts me off something. Looking at life with a positive attitude has helped me get far in my life so far. I never plan on losing this positive attitude no matter what.

    ✮ Aware of the Rules ✮
    I am aware of the rules in game and always inform other players of them. I always follow the rules, this shows as I have never been banned from any Minecraft server, ever. I hate to see rules being broken and I do my best to ensure other players follow the rules, too. I let players know of illegal to trade items, what to do if they have been griefed, what griefing and scamming is and many other rules that need enforcing everyday here on

    ✮ Mature ✮
    I believe I have a mature, moderator like attitude. I understand that having fun with friends and joking around is important, but I know when it is time to act seriously. I know how to deal with players in need of assistance, regardless of the way they are acting towards me.

    ✮ Non Biased ✮
    I never hold grudges on players or against people in my real life. I believe this is so crucial in the role of a moderator because keeping the server in check, dealing with reports and helping players out involves this quality all the time. I try to make things right with everybody, even if we have had disagreements in the past. This can be proven by the fact that I have made close bonds and friendships with those that I have had
    disagreements with in the past.

    ✮ Confident ✮
    I believe confidence is a very important quality for any moderator. They need to believe in the decisions they make and the actions they take by enforcing the server's rules. I always believe in myself, and explained my qualities of dedication and my positive outlook on life earlier in this moderator application.

    ✮ Self Control ✮
    I know how to control my emotions and keep them out of the way from the things I do. I do not take my anger out on other people, I do not let the fact that I may be upset with someone influence the things I say or do, and I have good self-control. I believe these qualities are vital for moderators, as a decision influenced by these emotions may not be the correct one.

    ✮ How long can you be active on the server everyday? ✮

    I am an extremely active player. Here is my usual schedule for being online. All times are in the BST time zone, British Standard Time. Some days like Mondays and Wednesdays are quite busy due to commitments so my activity on those days is limited.

    ✱ Monday: 5.30pm - 6.00pm | 7.30pm - 8.30pm (1 hour 10 minutes online)
    ✱ Tuesday: 5.00pm - 6.00pm | 8.00pm - 9.30pm (2 hours 30 minutes online)
    ✱ Wednesday: 4.30pm - 5.30pm | 9.00pm - 9.30pm (1 hour 30 minutes online)
    ✱ Thursday: 5.30pm - 6.30pm | 8.00pm - 9.30pm (2 hours 30 minutes online)
    ✱ Friday: 3.00pm - 4.00pm | 5.30pm - 6.30pm | 8.00pm - 9.30pm (3 hours 30 minutes online)
    ✱ Saturday: 11.00am - 12.00pm | 2.00pm - 3.00pm | 8.00pm - 9.30pm (3 hours 30 minutes online)
    ✱ Sunday: 11.00am - 12.00pm | 6.00pm - 7.00pm | 9.00pm - 9.30pm (2 hours 30 minutes online)

    (These times may well change, due to school events, if I have an excess of homework that week/night or if anything else unexpected happens. If I am going to be inactive for a longer period of time I will usually let people know via my status.)

    ✮ How long have you been playing Skyblock? ✮
    I have been an active player of since Christmas 2016.

    ✮ Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) ✮

    I am proud to say that I have never been banned in game on or on any other
    Minecraft server for that matter.

    I have been banned on forums. A forums user gifted me forums premium, but charged it back a few weeks later, resulting in my ban. However, my appeal was successful and I was unbanned here on forums. This ban was not my fault at all, and I never even asked or paid for the premium the user gifted me.

    ✮ Do you have any past experience as a moderator? ✮
    I moderated another server, yes. I was staff manager on that server, and it has given me great experience moderating a server and giving out punishments according to the rules. That same server also had a Xen-Foro forums network, meaning I have gained experience moderating a forums system extremely similar to the one used here. The server is no longer online. I moderate several small discord servers, and also head moderate one.

    ✮ Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No ✮
    Yes, I meet all of the moderator application requirements.

    Thanks to every single person who read my moderator application. I value any feedback you may have, so please leave all feedback or even questions below. I look forward to responding. If you do not support me, please tell me why so I can improve accordingly! Thank you so much!

    • Support Support x 77
    • No Support No Support x 19
    • Neutral Neutral x 1
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2018
  2. Cøsyy

    Cøsyy Active Member

    Feb 10, 2017

    SUPPORT 52! Good Luck, just help out more =p
  3. 52Phenomenon

    52Phenomenon Super Moderator Super Moderator Events Manager

    Mar 18, 2017
    Thanks a lot Cos! I will be helping out more in chat and I value your support. Thank you so much :)
  4. TVFilthyFrank

    TVFilthyFrank Active Member

    Apr 17, 2016
    Full support. You are a genuinely nice player, and I often see you online. Good luck :)
  5. 52Phenomenon

    52Phenomenon Super Moderator Super Moderator Events Manager

    Mar 18, 2017
    Thank you Schmoobin, I appreciate your support and will not let you down :)
  6. Cheesy

    Cheesy Senior Member

    Dec 20, 2015
    Nice to meet you.
    interesting name.
    suggestion: change it to a UTC time zone
    I agree with you, since we only have 3 active uk mods being Sugarcane, Boss and Fatal. Great that you're UK.

    I've personally seen this. You've always said hello to me although we've never talked. You seem super polite as well. And yet not too annoying that you come off as try harding for mod.
    Also seen this. You always seem to have the time for this server.

    You have my support.
  7. 52Phenomenon

    52Phenomenon Super Moderator Super Moderator Events Manager

    Mar 18, 2017
    Thanks Cheesy. I may look at converting my time zone to UTC, thanks for the advice. I will not let you down :)
  8. Wolfie

    Wolfie Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2017
    I'll say partial support. You are amazing but I would like to see you help out more :heart:. Good luck!
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017
  9. Cheesy

    Cheesy Senior Member

    Dec 20, 2015
    april fools was april 1st
  10. Teeler

    Teeler i am kenough

    Nov 2, 2014
    so funny i forgot to laugh

  11. 52Phenomenon

    52Phenomenon Super Moderator Super Moderator Events Manager

    Mar 18, 2017
    Ok Wolfie, thanks for your partial support! I will try to help out more in game. I will not let you down!
  12. 52Phenomenon

    52Phenomenon Super Moderator Super Moderator Events Manager

    Mar 18, 2017
    Thanks so much for your support! I will not let you down!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Wonkie

    Wonkie Experienced Member

    Jan 1, 2014
    You have my support, 52. Just help out more.
  14. 52Phenomenon

    52Phenomenon Super Moderator Super Moderator Events Manager

    Mar 18, 2017
    Thanks Wonkie! My main goal right now is to become more helpful in chat and I'm confident you'll see me do so. Thanks so much for you support and I will not let you down!
  15. Lynse

    Lynse Active Member

    Jun 1, 2016
    Support, I've never seen you in game (probably because of timezones), but I thought your application was absolutely beautiful. I saw how much effort you put into it, no grammatical mistakes, you would make an amazing moderator, and I'm so excited to see if your accepted :D
    Last edited: May 16, 2017
  16. Xethorias

    Xethorias Senior Member

    Mar 6, 2016
    No support. You just rated abused me like a few hours ago.
  17. 52Phenomenon

    52Phenomenon Super Moderator Super Moderator Events Manager

    Mar 18, 2017
    Thank you so much for your support! It's sad that or time zones mean we never meet in game, you seem like a nice player. I won't let you down!
  18. 52Phenomenon

    52Phenomenon Super Moderator Super Moderator Events Manager

    Mar 18, 2017
    I don't remember doing this but I understand if you say no support. I will do my best to improve to change your mind! Thanks so much for your feedback!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. ThePigCrafters

    ThePigCrafters Active Member

    Apr 11, 2015
    Support. I see you online so much and you seem really nice.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. athyrix

    athyrix Senior Member Premium

    Jul 31, 2016
    I'm not saying this because you're my friend, but the truth.
    You're really sweet and active but you just need to help out more.
    Support good luck!!
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