Economy The lottery imposes a big problem

Discussion in 'Server Gameplay Suggestions' started by Bard, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. Bard

    Bard Active Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    So, as most of you guys know, there are some certain players with an unfair amount of bots that AFK the lottery. First off, from the perspective of a player with hardly any progress on economy, im already immediately discouraged from playing the lottery. A lot of the time, im outnumbered by at LEAST 5 alts.
    Why this isn't fair in general:

    -Earning a lot of money by doing no work
    -as they're simply using server plugins and are just AFK

    -The players aren't really playing the game to gain the steady income

    -Spams the chat
    -its just really annoying to have my entire chat page filled with a list of alts buying tickets.

    -Gives the impression that having influence on the server and being rich can be gained with a pay-to-play strategy

    -makes the lottery extremely unfair

    Another one of my issues is when Krissy got her balance essentially reset by abusing ice farming. I see the reason behind it, but the key difference between that and the lottery issue is that Krissy simply worked for her money whereas the bots that are AFK are low-effort and really not playing the server.

    I'm not questioning the way you (the staff/higher ups) want your guys' server to be played, but I really hope you see that this is an ongoing issue for many players, from non-donors (on economy lol) all the way up to moderators.

    As i stated earlier, the one or two players have created a simple problem that seems would just require a simple solution.
    leave your thoughts below :D
    • Support x 7
    • No Support x 7
    • Agree x 2
    • Disagree x 1
    • Neutral x 1
  2. Ca1

    Ca1 Senior Member

    Apr 24, 2014
    My thoughts is that this is completely absurd. Those players paid for extra accounts, they pay for the lottery tickets, they don't win every time.

    Quoting m0gliEz here:
    "if a gas station sold as many lotto tickets as you were willing to buy, why not buy them?"
    (or something along the lines)

    Imagine those '5' alts are players. You wouldn't be complaining then would you? You're salty because if players use alternate accounts on the lottery apparently they don't 'work for their money'.

    You talk about a simple solution. What is this?
    As for now, no support on this, ever

    also i'm sure iako would have something to say on this
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. Bard

    Bard Active Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    If those 5 alts were players, id have absolutely no problem with it.
    Thats almost just about correct. I feel its justified.
    Unfair advantage. Once again, thats pay-to-win
    But they sure as hell make a lot of profit.
    thank you for your feedback.
  4. lowfps10

    lowfps10 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2018
    It technically isn't unfair as the players using the lottery bots bots spend more money on the lottery, meaning that if they win, they warn less than if anyone else without alts won. I would agree that lottery announcements cause a lot of spam, though. We could remove them and instead announce when the lottery has a certain amount of time left
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  5. Bard

    Bard Active Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    It really could work in a cycle most of the time. Really, the accounts normally win while earning what else the other accounts have bid while almost collecting the revenue from other tickets. Regardless of the technics, its really unfair for people without an insane balance or a bunch of accounts and knowledge of scripting mods and such.
  6. Marcy

    Marcy Apostlé of Falcons Premium

    Mar 30, 2018
    Even though I hate this too, The maximum alts should be 3.

    The alts always win but not all players have alts though.
  7. carlo

    carlo Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2015
    The lottery has a limit on how many tickets you can buy (2) so it is unfair if you work your way around that by having multiple alts and bots to buy tickets. Its clear that the people running the server want it to be fair for everyone by setting the limit to 2 tickets, so I don't understand why people are even trying to argue it.
  8. Bard

    Bard Active Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    to be honest, 1 is enough.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. m0gliEz

    m0gliEz Active Member

    May 20, 2018
    Let me try to understand... you're saying it's okay to abuse some things? There is no key difference between making a large water pool and waiting for ice to form than it is buying lotto tickets. You can afk at your 199x199 ice farm and rake plenty of profits sure, but this isn't considered something difficult while you afk. The island level calculation along with the amount that ice was being sold for was a huge blurp that needed fixing. Only a few who knew about the ease and high price took advantage of that. (inside trading) ?

    I offered the analogy that if you go into any gas station, they don't limit how many lottery tickets you can buy. They don't tell the person in line behind you that he or she are limited to the same amount of tickets that you bought. That would would be ludacris. If they did, one would send random people into the store to purchase more tickets, (family members, friends, alts)

    If you say it's pay-to-win, then let me point something else out. Should the server also be limiting alts from gaining their /kits on the server as well? Say I pay for a few alts and then I upgrade them, should I then be restricted from getting their kits as well? Should my main account be the only one who can get /kit spawner? Should you really be restricted from getting /kit spawner on your alts?

    Do you see my point?
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  10. MrGallifrey

    MrGallifrey Active Member

    Oct 11, 2016
    As a small community, not everyone can have 10 alts, and creates a huge imbalance to those who can't. In the real world, there's millions of people buying tickets, so buying 10 wouldn't make a huge deal. But once you have like a 10/50 chance of winning, things start to become really unfair. I understand your analogy, however, it simply does not apply here.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Bard

    Bard Active Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    Krissy manually worked for her ice. In your case you have like a million different alts you use to do nothing but buy lotto tickets.
    In this analogy, it would make sense if you bought well over the majority of lotto tickets across america. The bots really keep their population high therefore maintaining the majority.
    No. The lottery tickets are hourly, whereas kits dont offer near the rewards in the same quantities as the tickets do when constantly bought. Not only that but simply just the bots' chat spam is bothersome to many as well.
    Yes. Is it valid? Not really.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  12. Super_Dave1236

    Super_Dave1236 Active Member

    Oct 4, 2017
    Although it does seem unfair initially, alts buying extra tickets does not increase the profit of the single player who collects from the alts. The probability of the player with alts winning is greater, but so is the cost of playing the lottery with those extra tickets.

    For example:
    Let's say 3 players play a simple lottery 10 times in a row where each ticket is $1 and 10 tickets are sold.
    Player A buys 7 tickets all 10 times.
    Player B buys 2 tickets all 10 times.
    Player C buys 1 ticket all 10 times.

    To keep things simple, let's pretend reality and probability agree perfectly. Player A should win 7 out of 10 times, Player B 2 out of 10, and Player C 1 out of 10.

    Player A will spend $70 total and, when he wins 7 times out of 10, win back exactly $70.
    Player B will spend only $20 in total and win back $20 when he wins 2 out of 10 times.
    Player C will spend just $10 and will lose 9 out of 10 times, however when he wins the 1 time out of 10, he will receive $10.

    Played continuously, everyone should come out even in the end. (I think.)
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    Let me just jump right into it

    The lottery is a system where people pay money for a chance to win. There is no guarantee of winning but because this is an official server system taking money from players the least we can do is make the system fair for all. Players go in thinking they have a fair chance... that this random draw will make things fair... I just feel bad that these kids play assuming this.

    6/10 draws (checked an hour ago from this post) resulted in the same winner, over 3 accounts. There was one instance in those draws that the player only won back the money they made.

    Forget lottery being profitable, that isn't the real reason to fix lottery. The issue lies in the fact that the money made is at the expense of players who play fairly with one or two accounts, those that don't afk purchase their tickets, who can't leave their accounts on all day and night, and who can't afford many alts because they are young members of the community who rely on their parents money. Yes, this server is pay to win. So you can argue kits and perks are all equally as bad. However kits and perks are not taking away anything from non donors, in fact it allows non donors to access items easier (such as iron).

    The final thing to say is... if buying tickets on alts like this is losing someone a bunch of money, then doing so would not be in their interest. Who would want to lose more money than they make? Buying tickets for the sake of it isn't really what you would do either if you had much to lose either. If lotto isn't worth it then people wouldn't spend time trying to win it to the point they need more than 3 alts auto entering, afk nearly 24/7.

    So something should be done to really create a more balanced system, just like how skychat was fixed and balanced. There is nothing bad about using the lottery in a way that is legal (such as multiple alts auto buying tickets), but there are impacts that people do realise. I've been complaining about them since Trau's mod came out, trust me.

    So honestly, support. I want a better lottery system. Heck, i'd be fine with lottery gone.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. Monster_Sparklez

    Monster_Sparklez Yee yee Bubba Premium Premium

    May 27, 2016
    I’ll just say what I think
    If I had 6 accounts I would be buying 1200 worth of tickets and let’s say someone else bought one ticket

    That’s 1400 in the pot
    If I win I only win 200 if the other person wins they win 1200 and I don’t know about you that seems way better then only winning 200

    Also it does not spam chat more then like 50% of the chat is filled up with other messages like Voting, limits, the sale messages and everything else, and when someone buys a rank

    It’s causing no harm at all in my opinion no support
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  15. fran

    fran pensive Premium

    Feb 16, 2016
    Before I give my support/no support, I want to know one thing...
    How would you regulate this?
    IPs? /Alts? All of them can be easily bypassed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. MrGallifrey

    MrGallifrey Active Member

    Oct 11, 2016
    Possibly limiting amount of wins per account such as skychat? There's a lot of things the devs could do to help it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. m0gliEz

    m0gliEz Active Member

    May 20, 2018
    Actually, I made barely any profit, and when somebody does win, they have a chance to win twice the amount than if I didn't play the lottery. If I stop buying tickets for a day, you'll see that the winnings on average would be $400-800 sometimes a little more, sometimes people don't play at all during non-active hours. But while I put a lot of $ into the lottery, players have a chance to earn twice that, sometimes up to $2400. I wish people wouldn't get so upset over it. After all, it's called the "lottery" for a reason. I don't see people complaining about the "casinos" on the server which reap new players of far more. So if you want the lottery gone, wouldn't you also want to see a ban on casinos?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Bard

    Bard Active Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    im not sure why you always want to compare things. This is about lottery. not casinos.
  19. lowfps10

    lowfps10 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2018
    This is correct, meaning that when you play the lottery, youre only likely to get back what you spent.

    we could do that
  20. Super_Dave1236

    Super_Dave1236 Active Member

    Oct 4, 2017
    For a long time, I completely agreed with Bard and thought the exact same thing.... until last night when I sat down and did some math. It is very easy to jump to the conclusion that a player that buys a lot more tickets is going to win more in the end, however it doesn't work out in the long run because the few times they do lose, they will lose enough to bring them back to break-even. Don't just think about it and trust your feelings on this, do the math and you will see! Don't forget to treat the lottery as an ongoing series of probable events, not just a single instance.

    That said, I could see a benefit to limiting the ability of alts to buy more tickets. That benefit would be to eliminate the illusion that some players were receiving an unfair advantage. Many players, myself included, don't or didn't play the lottery because they felt it was unfair. If it were simply 1 entry per human being it might enhance the entertainment value of the lottery mini-game because everyone could agree and easily conclude that it was "fair".
    • Agree Agree x 4

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