Implement our forums suggestions?

Discussion in 'Other/Uncategorized Suggestions Archive' started by Krissy, Sep 8, 2018.

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  1. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    As a person who uses the forums frequently I am getting rather frustrated with the lack of time spent on improving our experience here.

    The server obviously is the main priority and things are often done in a certain order or list. But with all the additions to the server which does not affect the running of the server itself (notification, friends lists, word games, ore in generators, pets etc) there has been nothing added or improved with the forums.

    The last update to the forums was in May and saw prefixes added. The previous months had general organisation fixes and backend fixes. But still, nothing of particular interest

    The forums is just as much a part of skyblock as the server yet is neglected, even though there were promises to actually work on them.

    I am not saying "abandon the server work, you aren't doing a good job staff blah blah". What I am saying is among all of the things that get added to the server it would also be nice to see forum suggestions be looked at and implemented so people who primarily use the forums have something to look forward to. Hell if there is an addon that would be cool to have i'd even pay. Just to see something new on these forums.
    In between important server fixes and updates, please don't neglect the forums and the people making suggestions for them.

    ps. This is a suggestion.
    • Support Support x 5
  2. bERYbERRY

    bERYbERRY c000000000000000kies Builder Premium

    Mar 2, 2014
    Support as there are a few good forums suggestions that players have suggested that would be great to be added to the forums as you said the last forums "update" (it was just adding a skywars prefix) was 4 months ago so an update would be great for the forums
  3. Moist Frapple

    Moist Frapple Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
    What is the point in asking for suggestions if your never going to implement them?
  4. Monster_Sparklez

    Monster_Sparklez Yee yee Bubba Premium Premium

    May 27, 2016
    Support maybe add like some designs around the blue boarder of the forums or add a dark theme and be able to switch from dark to light
  5. Leeeroieee

    Leeeroieee Well-Known Member Premium

    Mar 26, 2017
    Sorry it seems like we've been neglecting the forums. The main reason we're slow to make improvements on forums is that we don't have a safe place to test changes without risk of damage to the live server.

    One of the things we are hoping to do at some point is to get a development instance of Xenforo set up to match the way the live server looks like. This will give us a development environment we can safely experiment on without fear of breaking the forums.

    The main impediment to this are competing priorities and new features that Noobcrew wants us to implement on the Skyblock server. As we whittle away at his wishlist of things he wants us to implement, we'll be able to turn our focus towards forums suggestions and updating the /classic server.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2018
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